Patrick Timpone

Cindy Sellers

Author of You Don’t Have To Hurt Anymore

Cindy SellersCindy Mahealani Sellers became a colon hydro therapist because in 1983 she and her husband were in a car accident. She was 3 months pregnant and had one child 14 months old. Cindy incurred serious injuries to her back. The pain worsened until, in 1989, she had reached the end of her strength and so was inspired to call a lady whom she thought was a massage therapist.
She started Cindy on a colon cleansing program the following day. Ten days later her back was straight and her pain was gone. Cindy began training with her and became her last student. Thus evolved Angel Farms Cleansing and Rejuvenation Center, currently based on the Big Island of Hawaii, near Hilo. Cindy has assisted thousands of Angels in making the transition from fear to Love for over 26 years. She has witnessed the importance of including emotional and spiritual healing with colon hydrotherapy and sees the colon as a doorway to God. Angel Farms program is a holistic approach to cleansing of the body, mind, and spirit.

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Show Highlights:

-How cleansing the physical body allows more spiritual awareness.

-Trauma held in body, prevents full digestion and leads to parasites.

-Autoimmune dysfunction starts in spleen with faulty communication to the adrenals. This can be a big problem for those who tend to worry.

-The Angel Farms technique to stop flight or fear response. Patrick shares his technique.

-Spleen is center of self-love. If we don’t feel love of self, it affects the immune system leading to poor health.

-Turning diabetes around.

-Wh we don’t need raw foods for enzymes. Pancreas makes 325 enzymes, including 1.5 L of amylase for carbohydrate. Therefore, we only need 1 carb a day.

-Cindy’s recommended daily fare: 7 different vegetables, 2 fruits, 2 proteins, 1 carb, a gallon of water, and a lot of love.

-The importance of water. Signs of dehydration: urine has color to it, lips are dry.

-Colonics vs. colon hydrotherapy. Harm from holding things in.

-How judgment and criticism affects the kidneys.

-Can oregano oil hurt the gut?

-What is the role of pain?

-Pancreatic issues stem from unhappiness. We’re created to have happiness. Laugh, giggle, watch funny movies.

-John from Dallas asks about emotional states associated with burning in GI tract from stomach down.

-Taking aloe before eating.

-Why taking caffeine on an empty stomach is a bad idea

and so much more!!

cindy sellers on cleansing body and emotions, july 7, 2016

'Cindy Sellers – Author of You Don’t Have To Hurt Anymore – July 7, 2016' has 1 comment

  1. July 14, 2016 @ 5:39 am S. Dundon

    Cindy is absolutely amazing! Love her brilliance, thought process, connection to creator and totally resonate with everything she said here in this interview. Actually listened to it twice and bookmarked it to listen again. Can’t wait to read her book!!! Thank you! <3


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