Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Silver is speech, electrical. Gold is silence, magnetic.”

… and …

“You lose trace elements by talking.”

… and …

“Talking increases lactic acid buildup. Lactic acid is phased down by fruit.”

… and …

“Anybody who talks to you will live with the illusion that his mind is eternal. Mind is a condition of sonics within a framework of gas.”

… and …

“Your mouth is a gun. Your words are the bullets, and the trigger is your intent. Be careful you don’t point it at yourself.”

… and …

“Them that’s talking about it ain’t doing it, and them that’s doing it ain’t talking about it.”

… and …

“You don’t learn much after the age of three because you talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.”

… and …

“You’re as fast as you think but as slow as you talk.”

… and …

“The more you talk to others, the stupider you become. The more you talk to yourself, the still more stupider you become. The more you don’t talk but keep on talking, the smarter you become. Most people want to keep talking for talk’s sake, and therefore find themselves running out of what to talk about. And if they get to themselves, they’re still afraid to talk to themselves. But it’s all right to talk to yourself as long as you don’t move your lips. So the ability to sit down and wait and listen is an art that provides the avenue of awareness to talk of things outside of the range of what you project, so when a question comes up you can either comment or wait for all the other commentaries to reach the end of their projection, then you can pick up from there and go further.”

Gurdjieff advised one of his students (as quoted in Gurdjieff, edited by Jacob Needleman & George Baker, 1999) …

“Have you already noticed you drain yourself when you talk to someone about something that interests you deeply? Because of this, it is necessary to economize. It is necessary to know how to watch out for yourself, how to keep for yourself new and undigested ideas. One day, in life, you will be able to use the ideas as an instrument, without identifying. Today you give too much of yourself in talking. Everything leaves you with the words. You don’t give them freely. You don’t give only the words, you lose yourself. You identify with yourself.”

According to Adano …

SILVER as a trauma color indicates conversation, “too much talking,” material loss, or “betrayal involving money.”

Most of the above info can be found in Butterflies Need No Taxidermist: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Resurrection Lifestyles of Swami Nitty-Gritty.

All four volumes are available at …


'Fast As You Think & Slow As You Talk' have 3 comments

  1. March 22, 2013 @ 9:52 am jwong

    Great blog entry. Thanks! That’s probably why true masters are concise in their words, because each word has deep meaning.
    I find your blogs very helpful in trying to understand the ideas from your “Butterflies” books. Keep up the great work!


    • March 22, 2013 @ 2:35 pm atomb

      Thanks for your input. :)

      Swami Nitty-Gritty claimed he learned, “A man is only as good as his word,” from the 1952 movie, High Noon, starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly.

      He told us, “A man is only as good as his word. Your mouth is the truth. Speak the truth. The truth will free you.”


  2. March 30, 2013 @ 9:26 pm Ryan

    Indeed, this was an especially excellent *talk*…now I’m going to *stop* *talking*. : )



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