
Patrick Timpone



We start the show remembering Andreas Moritz, he will be missed.
Show Highlights:

-Patrick recounts his near death experience from 1982

-More talk about EMF’s, smart meters and smart appliances. Our interview with Emil DeToffel is highly recommended if you haven’t yet listened.

-The Presidential Campaign-Who will win this one? And do you know how much money has been spent on campaigns?

-A caller wants to know how one can introduce a family member or friend to alternative medicine

-The same caller has questions about how to raise testosterone levels without hormone replacement therapy. Patricks answer is pine pollen, pine pollen, pine pollen.

Have a listen to Stephan Buhners interview. He went on a quest to find a food that had the highest levels.

-Is it really logical that vaccines can wipe out disease?

-The importance of not being for or against anything

-Honoring our Karmic ties with mom and dad. Patrick now understands how spiritually evolved his parents were. It’s easy to think of those sitting in a cave and meditating as being spiritually evolved, but oftentimes it’s those living the life of serving others which are the most.

-Does clay take nutrients out of the body?

-Tests, tests and more tests. The docs will always find something “wrong” with you.



open phone friday with you and patrick, october 26, 2012, hour one

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open phone friday with you and patrick, october 26, 2012, hour two

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