Looking forward to our next Open Phone First Friday on July 2nd at 10 AM.

Karma is not good or bad, it just is.  The Buddhist definition of karma is doing  That is a good one, for it nails it cold.    All actions create reactions.  What ever we do, say and think puts something else in motion.  We are the creators, the first cause.  What we sew, we reap.

Karma.  So, as we "think about" someone, for example, we create more karma with them.  Which is great as we think nice thoughts and such for those we love, we essentially get closer on all levels and deepen our relationship.  So, it is easy to speculate then, the deeper the love and commitment to our beloved here in the physical, the potential of spending more time with them after we leave the physical is real indeed.

Thats fun to think about.

Then there is oil karma, which we all are experiencing at the moment.  Since most of us have utilized oil in some way or another this and past live times by driving or using plastic for instance, we’ve all helped to create the current oil disaster.  Anything in our experience in life in some way is our creation.  Wealth, poverty and the rest of it.

I am not pointing this out so we all feel guilty about the pain in the world.  No, that is not the point.  For all those Souls right in the middle of this and that also created their experience in some way.  So, it all works out.

Understanding karma helps us make better choices, thats all.  It is not about punishment and poor self image.  it is about seeing what we create and making better and better choices as we go.

There is always another step.

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