Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

All About Progesterone & Estrogen; Strokes, Milk, Sugars, and So Much More

“Hello Patrick from Melbourne Australia,
Just a quick message to say thank you and to let you know that I enjoyed your show with Dr Ray Peat immensely. He has so much knowledge across a broad spectrum of topics. Thank you so much for bringing him on and for doing what you do!!! I hope to hear more of Dr Peat in your future shows.”

“I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your recent interviews with Dr Ray Peat. I am thrilled waiting for the next one. I have known his work for quite some time, but it is so refreshing to listen to your shows. I hope you will carry on with cooperation. Dr Peat has endless knowledge to share and each time I listen to him I find something new and eye-opening. His knowledge and perspective are absolutely unique. In the world of keto, low carb nonsense, sugar hate and corrupted science, he is the last voice of honesty and sanity.” Best regards Ania from Poland

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

Show highlights:

Interesting facts about the soot/estrogen connection

Dr. Peat tells us why estrogen causes miscarriages

Misinformation about estrogen and progesterone. Dr. Peat elaborates

Estrogen has been proven to cause uterine cancer

How hysterectomies became so popular

Cause of hot flashes

Pregnancy is prevented by stress for the safety of the mother

Is progesterone cream a good idea for men to keep testosterone levels good?

Ideas about strengthening arteries and veins

Dr. Peat explains strokes. Why do clots form causing a stroke

The dangers of over breathing

The primary function of adrenaline

What do cold hands and feet indicate?

Ideas for dealing with hypothyroidism

Does red light help the thyroid?

Grassfed milk has more vitamin E

A listener asks, “Why do my feet swell up in the middle of the day esp. when it’s warm?”

The side effects of birth control pills

A listener asks about risk taking and learned helplessness. What is learned helplessness?

Dr. Peat talks free will vs. determinism

When women get older, what are the symptoms of low progesterone?

What does Dr. Peat think of titanium ceramic non-stick cookware? Glassware is the best to cook in

Could you live on just milk? Technically yes, but you would become iron deficient

Cause of vertigo

Here’s the book that Dr. Peat recommends we all read 


And just some of the many emails asked and answered:

Question for Ray Peat. What is the mechanism for how proper thyroid function and stomach acid break down or neutralize oxalates in the diet. Does it matter how much oxalic acid is consumed? Also, how effective are mineral compounds like magnesium or potassium citrate at preventing the negative effects of oxalic acid.

You recommend 2000 mg Calcium per day  —-  a concern expressed by other nutritionists is that the calcium may not go into the bones, but into the soft tissue and other places causing systemic damage over time.   If one does take your suggestion: what are other prerequisite actions or physiological cell metabolism assumptions you are making? For example, are you assuming the person takes Vitamin D, Vitamin K and has proper thyroid function which stimulates production of adequate CO2 (which apparently takes calcium out of the cell).  Please  explain in detail so I can understand your recommendation in proper context.

I’ve been having trouble finding good thyroid supplement, is there anything else to help me with my hypothyroidism?

I donate blood several times per year. What, in your opinion is the optimal Serum Ferritin blood level for a male age 70?

So glad that you have included Dr. Peat as a regular guest!

Before I ask my question, could you please convey my extreme gratitude to Dr. Peat for helping me deal with my heart issue. This helped me to get out of the clutches of the medical Mafia.

Why do feet swell up especially when it is warm? The swelling reduces later in the day and when it is cooler but does not completely go away.

I am on 2 grains of natural thyroid and following Dr. Peats dietary considerations such as avoiding polyunsaturated fats, drinking milk, orange juice etc.

* Should we avoid food high in oxalic acid, such as well-cooked spinach greens?

* What percent of the tryptophan ingested from food is converted to serotonin?

* Is risk-taking in life conducive or not to the state of learned helplessness?

Does maxi Coke have cocaine in it? 

Please discuss free will and determinism

As women get older, what are signs of low progesterone?

1. Recently seen new cookware in department stores : titanium ceramic non stick. Is this safe to cook with?
2. Is oral micronized progesterone equal to progest E in its efficacy?

Dr. Ray Peat with his monthly third Tuesday of the Month appearance, November 19, 2019

'Dr. Ray Peat – All About Progesterone & Estrogen; Strokes, Milk, Sugars, and So Much More – November 19, 2019' have 3 comments

  1. November 25, 2019 @ 10:24 pm Yan

    Thank you Patrick and Dr Peat so much for these shows!


  2. December 27, 2019 @ 2:15 pm Jana

    On your question about the desert island, Dr Peat said cheese, tortilla (not turkey) and orange juice, Turkey has lots of PUFA and he definitely does not recommend it or at least to eat it sparingly.


  3. September 27, 2020 @ 8:28 pm Kate

    Thank you! Have been listening to Dr peat’s last few shows with you Patrick – you are just wonderful at asking all the questions and filling in the gaps By confirming the questions I’d ask if I were there myself ! Thank you! I’m in bed, with my soft wool hat, socks, have drank my hot chocolate – organic with a little sugar – not sure the hot chocolate is recommended but hot milk good I think? Not my best look – but feeling toastier!
    Love the show.
    Kate xx


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