Frank McKinney

ASPIRE! How to Create Your Own Reality and Alter Your DNA

Philanthropist and author Frank McKinney is a modern-day Renaissance man who has pushed the limits of success in his every endeavor. His life is a testament to the power of aspiration to create a completely new reality.

 His new book,  reveals real-life stories from McKinney’s interactions with 10,000+ homeless,  billionaires, and everything in between; in addition to his own mind-blowing experiences. Ultimately, this book is about reinvention. It’s about never settling for who we are born to be, or even what we think we’re capable of, and instead, breaking free of that limited mindset to create a new reality on our own terms. Watch the trailer!

Create the reality you want, then kill the person you were born to be to become the person you want to be.  Get a DNA that serves you.

We were not meant to stay inspired.   Instead, aim for aspiration.

Why did Willy Wonka serve as a marketing model for Frank?

Luke 12:48 as a great life mantra.

Needing a spiritual and a professional life calling.

How many outside forces are we allowing in to create our own reality?

We can create our own revised DNA.

2:1 ratio of reading and absorbing time, vs. 1 part of time of writing pro-actively.

Left vs. right brain is a fallacy.

Looking back over journals to see how you’re progressing.

Primary differentiator for Frank is not letting fear stop him.  It’s not the taking of the risk, it’s the thought of what is about to happen that is fearful.  Welcome fear, don’t let the sensation of fear stop you.

Creativity and ingenuity is what is rewarded in business today.  Let the little boy or girl become alive.

See fiery video clip of Frank’s ASPIRE book promotion.

Who inspired Frank for the consciousness he wanted to attain?  1)Roald Dahl, author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, featuring Willie Wonka.  2)Anthony De Mello of author of Awakening: Conversations with the Masters and Awareness    Frank recommends ORN listeners read DeMello.

Don’t seek homeostasis.  Let the experts deal with the IRS.   It’s a pleasure and privilege to pay taxes, but no more than is owed and not one day earlyj.

Alicia wants to know what she can do to find a way to make a living on her own.  Read ASPIRE.  Get the mind right, and the money will follow.

How did Frank manage to find his relationship with “the one”?

Giving sex is taking the other person first.

Capitalistic system is still alive and well in the US.

Move from rich to enriched.

Forget your passion.  Find your purpose.

'Frank McKinney – ASPIRE! How to Create Your Own Reality and Alter Your DNA – November 8, 2021' has no comments

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