with Patrick and Sharon

When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Show Highlights:

-What we’re not told about the GMO Labeling Law.

-Is filtered water better for growing sprouts?

-Opposing thoughts on the best grounding methods.

-When faced with conflicting advice, who to believe?

-Why do we demonize aging? Getting older vs. aging.

-Questions about Andreas Seed Oils.

-Will our bodies evolve to adapt to EMFs?

-To make taking sulfur more palatable, listener suggests mixing sulfur in minimal amount of water and holding breath.

-Using sulfur to clear cataracts – dilute 1 tsp. of sulfur in 4 oz. of water and spray into eyes.

-Members of the “Boy’s Club” supporting Hillary. Continuing “Free Trade” feathers their nest.

-Listener reports night time agitation when taking them before going to bed. Atom says Andrea Seed Oils best taken midday.

-Atom says sprouts are living things and excrete waste products as they grow. Important to rinse sprouts 3x/day to rinse the waste products away.

-Mice shown to be able to hide pain from observers, so experiments dependent on measuring observable pain symptoms of mice are flawed.

-Mix of water, lime, sulfur, sea salt, and maple syrup useful for hiding sulfur taste.

-Hassle of using debit cards to access your money when they change the rules. Unless the money is in your hands, it’s not your money.

-TRX stock price fell today – a buying opportunity?

-Recommendations for someone on long-term antibiotics.

-Varied perceptions of a person’s health based on their appearance.

-Matty in Maryland wins the tie-dyed T-shirt this week.

-The blessings of being able to home school.

and more!!


open phones with sharon and patrick, august 5, 2016, part one

'Open Phone Friday – August 5, 2016' has 1 comment

  1. August 9, 2016 @ 1:23 am John

    If I remember correctly, Patrick the sulphur man said sulphur did not work as well without water and being hydrated.. I do it mixed in a pint of distilled water first thing in the morning on arrising on an empty stomach and a fresh palette. and at least 45 minutes before any sugar… As he also said it reacts with sugars…


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