Show highlights:


Patrick talks about the detox protocol using niacin

Patrick answers questions about the nebulizer; Dr. Levy talked about using hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer, but do your research and learn exactly what portions to use

When starting sulfur, how much should be taken in the beginning?

A caller calls in to talk about smartmeters

Patrick reviews Dr. Levy’s protocol he talked about from yesterday; it goes after biofilms

Is the dollar going to die? Taking a look at the big picture

Bridgette calls in to talk about what women want

Is MMS better than turpentine for parasites and Lyme’s disease?

Why do we get diseases? Patrick muses that it’s a spiritual experience for growth

We talk about low dose Naltrexone; Patrick took it and shares his experience

Can supernatural spirits cause poor health and disease?

The importance of learning how ‘not to react’ to negative people trying to bring you down

and so much more!

Some of the other topics talked about here came in as emails:

Have you ever taken turpentine? I just ordered some and I am excited to try the candida cleaner protocol. I really feel like I need that “bing” feeling that Dr Daniels describes with the mental clarity and focus.

Patrick, do you recommend the liver flushes still using olive oil and grapefruit juice? Is there an easier method for removing the liver stones?

Any suggestions on what to do or not to do after my visit with Doc Nunnally. Looks like he may possibly work on 4 or 5 cavitations…


Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, December 6, 2019 ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, December 6, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Protecting Ourselves Spiritually and Dealing with Reaction In Ourselves and Others – December 6, 2019' has no comments

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