Red Pill or Blue; Which Is for You? (Part 2)

Patrick spent last week on the road logging more than 3400 miles. He listened to lots of “talk radio” around the Country and surfed the TV channels a bit while in the motels.  Upon his return he has experienced a quiet yet deep understanding that the “media”, as it is presented, is the biggest dream ever produced. Are you content living in this fake reality or have you/will you choose to take the red pill and wake up? We encourage your input on this discussion.

We’ll discuss ideas such as:

-What causes self sabotage and how to put an end to it

-Why and how questioning Self, who you are, never ends well.

-Certainty in your decisions and never looking back is the shortest route to becoming aware of the Light of God

-We’ve all chosen and continue to create the “body” in the mirror; get into it..relish it…love it

-Giving oneself a “hard time” is the biggest cause of disease today


Patrick Timpone and digging into the ins and outs of self love and take it to a whole other level, October 18, 2018

'Patrick Timpone – Red Pill or Blue; Which Is for You? Giving Ourselves a Hard Time, One of the Primary Causes of Disease – October 18, 2018' has no comments

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