Susan Bradford

The Vatican-China Collaboration

Susan Bradford discusses the historic Vatican-China collaboration spanning centuries. Dr. Anthony Fauci was created
by the Vatican who promoted lab-made AIDS as a homosexual disease, enlisting the evangelical community to portray it as God’s wrath, providing cover while raising money for big pharma.

The Vatican recently convened a conference bringing together Crispr, Google Health, Pharmaceutical
companies, Jane Goodall, etc., revealing the Vatican’s support for the transhumanist agenda. Spooky and diabolical.

The Deep State has their tentacles is most everything these days, financial and geopolitical head the list

The Rothschild family has a long record of financing both sides of wars i.e. The Napoleonic Wars and The Civil War

Ben Franklin was not the clean hero we have been told in most history

Susan digs into the HIV genocide of gays and Fauci’s connection to it all.

China has their own internal war going on The Rothchilds own the Communist Party and Xi Jingping is a Trump like renegade who

has a deep relationship with Putin and got along well with Trump

The Skull and Bones Club of Yale has turned out some real rascals like George Bush 43 and John Kerry

The elite who are running things are called “psychopaths” and they may very well be, but their main thing is they think

they are “Gods”

The Vatican with China’s influence go way back and the Vatican’s influence in geo politics is massive

The Jesuits are the enforcers of the Vatican

The Rothchilds vision is for China to be the top dog Country next

The globalist controlling Washington want to control all the energy by installing the Green New Deal under the guise of

man made global warming.

The real beginning of big tech getting their nose under the tent of freedom was during Clinton’s rein.

'Susan Bradford – The Vatican-China Collaboration – June 22, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. June 28, 2021 @ 10:16 am The Apex View

    Patrick, what’s happened to her site? It’s bizarre because it’s an abandoned, parked web page.


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