Plant-Based Baby Formula

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

American Indians didn’t buy baby formula at Target when a mother couldn’t produce milk and there were no cows in the neighborhood.


Che-na-wah Weitch-ah-wah (To the American Indian, 1916) wrote …

“In child birth they [Klamath Indian doctors] prepare a woman for giving birth to her child and at the birth of the child they have an old woman to take care of the mother and child. After the birth of the child the cord is cut and tied, then they take the black part of a large snail, which has an oily substance, and place it over the navel. They put a bandage around the child which is kept there for some time. I have never known an Indian of the old tribe to be ruptured and yet they do not know anything about surgery. If anything of a serious nature happens to a woman during child-birth they are at a loss to know what to do to save her. If the woman gives birth to twins and they are a boy and girl, they try to raise them both, but if it be two boys or girls they pick one of them and raise it while the other one is neglected and starved to death, and when it died they went through all the forms of sorrow by crying and mourning over the loss of the child just the same as if they tried to raise it. If anything happens to the mother that causes her death at child-birth or after and the child is yet an infant, they take sugar-pine nuts or hazel nuts and pound them into fine flour and mix this in warm water, making a milky substance out of it. They can raise a child on this preparation as well as if it was nursed at the mother’s breast. Every family in the olden times was very careful to keep a good supply of pine and hazel nuts on hand.”


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