Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Taking Raw To a Whole Other Level

You may also read an extensive article Aajonus has posted on the swine flu thing. Its here notoswineflu.net

One Radio Network also has forms you may consider to state your right not to take a vaccine. See display on our front page, on the right just under our podcast section

Aajonus Vonderplanitz born in 1947 is an American nutritional
consultant, speaker, author, and raw food diet advocate residing in
Malibu, California, and, as of 2008, has been eating an all-raw diet
for 38 years. He developed the Primal Dietwhich is a diet consisting of
fatty meats, organ meats, dairy, honey, minimal fruit and vegetable
juices and coconut cream, all raw.
Websites: www.PrimalDiet.com & http://www.wewant2live.com

As a young adult Aajonus had 8 “incurable” diseases including blood
& bone cancers, and Type I diabetes, and through personal
experimentation, reversed his diseases through diet alone…and later
helped 232 out of 242 people put their cancers in remission through
diet alone and was confirmed by neuroscientist Dr. Elnora Van Winkle
..and was on Ripleys Believe It Or Not TV program July 17, 2002…and
in 2001 wrote the expert report that reversed Los Angeles Countys
38-year ban on Grade A raw dairy?

Aajonus has written two books” “We want to Live – The Primal Diet” and “The Recipe For Living Without Disease.
He is travelling constantly around the world and actually visits
primitive cultures to explore diet and its relationship to health.
Intriguing ideas hear on healing, digestion and what Aajonus says is
the very best way to heal the thyroid and adrenals. Today Aajonus will
join us LIVE from Asia.

Aajonus Vonderplanitz, october 15, part one

Aajonus Vonderplanitz, october 15, part two

'Aajonus Vonderplanitz – We Want to Live: Primal Diet Living Without Disease – October, 2009' have 2 comments

  1. January 23, 2023 @ 10:03 am Guyfranke

    So glad you played this broadcast Patrick. Hopefully soon enough the world will understand the role of bacteria as allies and not enemies. Though the present paradigm of this and the past centuries is based on their being destructive creatures and must be obliterated from our environs. Sad.
    Always always always….when there is an agenda, it stems from reasons of cashflow and wealth accumulation at whatever the cost. That is the real destructive creature like a metastasizing cancer stifling human society from advancing and threatening the entire planet ecosystem. And all because some alpha-wannabes out there need desperately to be the monarchs in a society and display their set. To ultimately control decision-making via purchasing power accumulation aka wealth in the public space starting with lobbying a government which btw should be a serious felony crime even treasonous with federal prison terms and private asset seizures. Lovely, yes ?
    Cheers !


  2. January 28, 2023 @ 9:50 pm Mel

    Glad to know this whole plandemic really started in 2009 with the so called swine flu that the government/ big pharma created. The reason why it didn’t take off was media did not run 24/7 propaganda pushing what we know nowaday as fearmongering. If this information were out there I believe people would have not participated in this 60 year old pseudoscience Operation.


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