Dr. Roby Mitchell

Creator of BALi Eating Plan

Dr. Roby Mitchell graduated with honors from Texas Tech University School of Medicine in Lubbock, Texas. While attending Texas Tech, he was selected to be the first medical student in an exchange program with Jinan
University Medical School in Mainland China. Dr. Mitchell studied intensive care and emergency medicine at the University of Alberta, Canada, and was invited to practice at the prestigious Tahoma Clinic, the nation’s premier nutritional medicine clinic; there he teamed with Jonathan Wright, M.D. Dr. Mitchell honed his skills at treating colon, prostate, and breast cancer. This skill became necessary as Dr. Mitchell developed life threatening, advanced prostate cancer himself. Staying true to his philosophies, Dr. Mitchell opted not to use conventional therapies, but instead, investigated and chose a series of natural therapies that fended off his cancer. After years of research, the BALi Eating Plan® was developed by Dr. Mitchell to address the cause of most non-infectious western medical conditions.

Dr. Mitchell voluntarily surrendered his Texas Medical license in 2005 after realizing the corruptness of an industry that has no concern for the health of Americans.  Since then he has trained M.D.s, D.C.s, nurses and pharmacists from the U.S. to Canada to Australia to the U.K. to South America, to Dubai in strategies that result in curing rather than managing symptoms. Dr Mitchell states there is no “alternative” to good medicine. He believes if you were not BORN with your “disease”, you can cure yourself with the food you eat and immune boosting protocols.
Dr. Mitchell now consults worldwide with other physicians, nurses and pharmacists interested in transitioning their patients on to regimens that take them off drugs and on to healthful regimens using nutrition, exercise, bio-identical hormone replacement, and targeted supplements.

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Dr. Mitchell talks at length on what is going on with Candida overgrowth

The Blue Zone, areas of longer lives, had a handful of everyday foods to go after Candida overgrowth

He said if blood test MCV is over 86 it shows low B12 because of low HCL

He suggested using a laser temperature gauge for accurate temperature of the big toe, and should be 90 F or above

some email:

Can fear cause inflammation and auto immune disease, if so how?

My doctor gave me Nystatin and Diflucan for fungus /candida
Is it good to take .  How long should I take it and how should it be taken ?

Would taking too many amino acid supplements cause bursitis/ joint discomfort?  I’m wondering if I may not have had enough HCL as you mentioned.  Could this be reversed?

Thyroid and body temperature is discussed in depth

Colostrum 740 X 90 Black
Dr. Roby Mithcell and eating and most importantly oils and spices from areas where folks live the longest, October 10, 2019

'Dr. Roby Mitchell aka Dr. Fitt – The Bali Blue Zone Diet and Balancing Candida – October 10, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. October 12, 2019 @ 7:24 pm Dee

    Really enjoyed this podcast. Hope he will be on again soon.


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