Morley Robbins

The Magnesium Man


We will be reviewing Patrick’s lab results

I just finished your recent interview with Morley Robbins – it was great! I’ve listened to at least a half a dozen interviews of Morley from various internet radio programs over the last few years and this one of yours (Aug 11, 2020) is THE BEST! – thanks and I’m looking forward to your follow up interview with him. – John

Morley Robbins is the creator of The Root Cause Protocol.

Morley (aka. “Magnesium Man”) is one of the foremost experts on Magnesium’s role in the body, and the delicate dance Magnesium plays with Iron, Copper, and Calcium.

In 2012, Morley founded the Magnesium Advocacy Group (

And he remains the de facto leader of the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook, with over 175,000+ members (and growing daily).

As a certified health coach with an expertise in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Morley has performed over 4,500 one-on-one consultations with clients from around the world.

Show highlights:

The Free Radical Theory of Aging explained

As we age, iron accumulates even faster; we accumulate 1mg of iron everyday we are on planet Earth

There’s 9 different forms of iron added to the food system

Ferrous oxide is added to pharmaceuticals

There’s been a huge loss of copper in the soil

The bottom line is iron is killing us; iron is the driving force in most disease

How plaque is created in the body

Copper is the only element on Earth that harnesses oxygen and we are all copper deficient which is a big problem

Patrick and Morley launch into testing and talk about the full monty

Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4 Chart 5 Chart 6

Mineral dysregulation

There’s a thousand different types of stress but there’s only one way the body responds to it

Our connection to Source is through copper according to Morley

What’s the different between near infrared light and far infrared light

What could cause high arsenic levels?

The benefits of bloodletting

There’s a big difference between ascorbic acid and real vitamin C

The magnesium loss in the population since COVID1984 hit has been off the charts due to stress

Morley talks about thyroid support; contrary to belief, the thyroid does not run the body; minerals run the body

What causes age spots? Morley’s answer is fascinating and very helpful

Morley addresses multiple sclerosis

Morley advises to stay away from zinc supplements

Morley’s Root Cause Protocol

4 classic forms of stress

Going against the low fat, low cholesterol paradigm

The debacle about vitamin D deficiency

Morley Robbins and the critical aspect of low copper in most people and the relationship to iron and magnesium, September 8, 2020 ONE

Morley Robbins and the critical aspect of low copper in most people and the relationship to iron and magnesium, September 8, 2020 ONE

'Morley Robbins – There Is No Disease, Only Mineral Imbalances and Deficiencies – September 8, 2020' has no comments

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