Ken Rohla

Natural Health Educator

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, specializing in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. Formally educated in electrical engineering and computer science, Ken worked for 23 years in the medical industry, from the patient level drawing blood in hospital emergency rooms, to the national policy level, showing health care executives how to implement technology, as computer operations manager for the North Carolina Hospital Association. In 1993, at the age of 32, Ken was first exposed to natural healing in a search to cure severe hypoglycemia and other health problems he had acquired from a lifetime of poor diet and lifestyle. Eight years and many thousands of dollars later, after trying just about every diet, product, potion, and pill available, Ken found permanent success with living food nutrition and detoxification. After repeated requests from friends to share what he had learned, he began teaching workshops on detoxification and rejuvenation in 2003, and demand for his services exploded.

Take a look at Ken’s products in our store 

Show highlights:

Ken tells us that he is a prepper at home; he shares how he prepares for disaster

Increasing the power of your solar panels

Dissecting the coronavirus and all viruses; Ken gives us his take on things; Ken believes it’s a biowarfare bug

Is your grocery stock sparsely stocked? Go check out health food stores

If you didn’t hear the interview with Ingrid Newkirk, the founder of PETA, please check it out. Wonderful interview

We ask Ken if you can live a healthy life without oil; oils help build the myelin sheath

Ken tells us which seeds he sprouts the most and shares his sources

Sprouting seeds in a bowl

How can you get protein from a plant based diet?

The wonders of green juices

Where to find chlorine dioxide

When Ken finds the need to use accelerated silver

Why would someone do large doses of iodine? What’s the difference between scalar energized iodine and Cayce’s iodine?

Ken talks about cell towers using scalar energy; Ken says there’s military stuff on these towers

Ken tells us what he would do if he got infected with COVID-19

Using quantum biofeedback to get after viruses

Growing connective tissue in the body

Addressing the fear during the COVID-19 panic

Ken talks about trauma based mind control; Ken recommends several books to read about the subject

and so much more!

Ken Rohla and his monthly visit, off the grid, immune building, juicing, sprouting and more, March 25, 2020 ONE

Ken Rohla and his monthly visit, off the grid, immune building, juicing, sprouting and more, March 25, 2020 TWO

'Ken Rohla – Quantum Biofeedback, Sprouting Your Own Survival Food, Addressing Fear & More -March 25, 2020' has no comments

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