Patrick Timpone


January 25, 2019


“It Takes a Long Time to Get Young”


Always remember…even when we are bonkers and our head is about to explode…. is that we are all doing the the best we can…always


A little bit of karma coming down.  We get into a discussion about this Spiritual Truth

What possibly happens after we leave this Earth

We talk with Atom Bergstrom for a bit and flesh out Ray Peat’s discussion Thursday on the Thyroid, body temperature, pulse rate, Adrenalin, and Cortisol levels.

Cooked eggs are more digestible, but raw eggs can kill viruses in the intestines.

Speaking of world hunger, you reminded me of Paul Gautschi. Have you heard from Paul lately? I haven’t seen any new videos on Youtube of him, and I’m wondering if he is doing alright.

Portland declared a “State of Emergency” with 23 kids coming down, (or up), with measles

Patrick  believes  Measles and Mumps are natural detoxing mechanisms and also a rite of passage for young people

I think Andy will be right in your ear as you finish the screenplay. Maybe try working on it again soon and see what happens. I think you are going to be inspired and Andrew will be right there at your side.

How do do self hypnosis easily on your own

From Atom: 

I prefer self-Mesmerism. If I live past 120, you’ll know I succeeded. Death is a trance state of cultural hypnosis and cultural Mesmerism. Ditto disease.Self-hypnotism is the snowball, and self-Mesmerism is the avalanche.
FUN is skiing down the mountain just ahead of the avalanche.
I’ve heard you refer to buying European-sourced almonds as your source of truly raw almonds that are not pasteurized either by steam or chemicals.  I get my truly raw almonds from an almond grower in Arbuckle, California.  Growers are permitted to sell almonds that are not pasteurized.  The grower’s name is Briden Wilson Farm and their website is  They have organic almonds as well as nonorganic that are grown according to Integrated Pest Management policy.  They also have a variety of roasted almonds.  None of their raw almonds are pasteurized, Lynn
Loved “Root Cause”……movie goes into the Autonomic Nervous System, which is the basis of Metabolic Nutritional Science. I have guested on Patrick’s show and am trying to reach Frazer, as we are about to start filming “Metabolic Mission,” which is based on my 3rd book, telling my story of overcoming Liver Cancer, Diabetes, Polycythemia and related metabolic disorders. If you can contact me with this info, I would greatly appreciate it. I also would enjoy guesting again on your show…….anytime. Sincerely, Curtis R. Kuhn
With what you said about being careful about thinking what can harm us. This goes back to what you said about Betty White eating what we consider to be a horrible diet, but yet she has lived as long as she has, certainly longer than a lot of people who ate well and exercised. I think we do (or we can, if we realize we do) have the ability to overcome anything here that might harm us.

Open Phone and Email Friday with you, Patrick and Doodle, January 25, 2019

'Open Phone Friday – It Takes a Long Time to Get Young -January 25, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. February 6, 2019 @ 4:21 pm Mary-Jane

    I agree with you Patrick. I appreciate that you interrupt your guests at times with questions and/or ask them to explain further. Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend what they are saying. I love one radio network! Many blessings to you and Doodle.


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