Gary Hanna – The Health Benefits of Using Mono Atomic Particles of Colloidal Silver, Copper & Gold – April 20, 2017

Gary Hanna The Health Benefits of Using Colloidal Silver, Copper & Gold If you haven’t heard of colloidal silver, you will soon enough if you’re on the lookout for alternative therapies to common health issues, such as a sinus infection or a cold. Most health food stores and pharmacies stock several brands of colloidal silver,…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The U.S. Lost Complete Control of the Dollar a Long, Long Time Ago – April 19, 2017

  Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money”…

Richard Gordon – Quantum Touch – Accelerating the Healing Process Using Breathing and Body Awareness in Waves and Patterns – April 18, 2017

Richard Gordon Quantum-Touch 2.0: The New Human Quantum Touch – Accelerating the Healing Process Using Breathing and Body Awareness in Waves and Patterns What if everyone had the innate ability to quickly and easily do powerful energy healing, on themselves and others, even at a great distance and across time? It would change our whole…

Pat Bradley, DVM, LPC – Holistic Pet Care: Caring for Our Furry Friends Mind Body and Soul – April 18, 2017

Pat Bradley, DVM, LPC Holistic Veterinarian / Licensed Professional Counselor Dr. Pat Bradley has professional licenses in Arkansas both as a counselor and a veterinarian. After obtaining her veterinary degree from LSU, she and her husband Fred opened a conventional private practice they named Animal House. Intrigued by her clients’ stories of alternative medicine, she…

Open Phone Friday – We’re Experiencing Interesting Times; Which Pill Will You Take, the Blue or Red? – April 14, 2017

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY with Patrick and Sharon When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you! Show Highlights: -Difference between…

F. William Engdahl – The Back Story on Syria, False Flags, Trump, and His Ties to the Mob and the CIA – April 13, 2017

  F. William Engdahl Journalist-Historian-Economic Researcher and Leading Analyst of the New World Order   Mr. Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant, author and lecturer and author of the best-selling book on oil and geopolitics, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. In 2010 he published Gods of Money: Wall…

Dr. Gerald Smith, DDS – The Dental/Mouth Structure Pain and The Whole Body Connection – April 13, 2017

Dr. Gerald Smith, DDS The Dental/Whole Body Connection Doctor Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties. Sir, Doctor Smith is also…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – We Have Taxation Without Representation in It’s Highest Form – April 12, 2017

  Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money”…

Dr. Lori Valentine Rose, PhD – April 11, 2017

Dr. Lori Valentine Rose, PhD Certified Nutrition Professional (CNP), Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, Registered Herbalist (AHG) Hill College Life Sciences Instructor Lori Valentine Rose, PhD is a board certified nutrition professional (CNP), board certified holistic nutrition consultant (BCHN), registered herbalist (AHG), wellness coach, teacher, wife, and mom. She is a a passionate student of…

Brandon Amalani – The Super Power of Superfoods – April 6, 2017

Brandon Amalani The Super Power of Superfoods   In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Schizandra Berry has been used for many health-related conditions including: boosting energy at the cellular level, conditions of the digestive tract, stimulating the immune system, stress, fatigue, exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, radiation protection, regulating blood sugar, counteracting the effects of sugar, regulating blood pressure,…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – A One World Currency? Try 3 and They’re All Controlled By the ‘Boys’ – April 5, 2017

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Leah Guy – Overcoming Emotional Blockages from Anxiety, Abuse, Addiction, Etc. – April 4, 2017

Leah Guy Modern Sage Leah Guy is a down-to-earth health educator, author and intuitive transpersonal healer. An inspirational speaker, yogi and media personality, she folds in 20-plus years of energy healing, bodywork and nutritional studies alongside an intuitive approach to wellness that creates a perspective and healing that is unique and transformative.Overcoming anxiety, sexual abuse,…

Peter Glidden, ND – The Body Knows How to Heal Itself; It Just Needs the Right Ingredients – April 4, 2017

Peter Glidden, ND Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Peter Glidden is an outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health. For more than two decades, he has been treating people with Naturopathic therapeutics including Homeopathy, Heavy Metal Chelation, Herbal Medicine and Bio-identical Hormone Supplementation. Dr. Glidden received his BS degree from the University of Massachusetts in Amhurst. He earned his…

Atom Bergstrom – Reclaiming Your Superpowers – April 3, 2017

Atom Bergstrom Sun Sync Nutrition   Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle…

Open Phone Friday – Vitamin C; Ulcers; Muscles; Lungs; Coffee; Thyroid and Lots of Fun – March 31, 2017

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY with Patrick and Sharon When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!   Show Highlights: -Patrick talks about…

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