Dear Patrick

Very interesting about the Vit D receptors.  My recent test showed my vitamin D level very low.  And I live in Los Angeles!

Yes, my levels of D are low too and I believe it is because Vitamin D receptors Are being interfered with in my case, thus I am on Benicar.and I believe the Benicar will solve that issue.

I was taking Carlson Vit D drops and also Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil, but stopped both after hearing what some of your guests had to
say.   Now I’m not sure WHAT to do.

I’m wondering though, I didn’t hear anybody comment on FERMENTED cod liver oil.  I believe the concern is rancidity.  But if its fermented, that would basically preserve it, right?  Wouldn’t that circumvent the issue of rancidity?  Do you think its safe to take?

Well, if you are going to take Cod Liver Oil I think the fermented is a good choice, les Chance of rancidity…but still have the issue of dampening the immune system with the high levels of D in the Cod Liver Oil.

I’m probably not taking enough Benicar to make a difference for my vitamin D receptors.  I’m surprised you can take that much with a naturally low blood pressure.  It works immediately on me to lower mine.

Yes, monitor it, but it feels you can take a lot more than you are, and not sure what would the minimum to take to affect receptors.  Probably a good question for one of the Marshall Protocol forums out there.

I’ve had gut problems for years and I think the inflammation is whats causing my hypertension.  So the Benicar lowers the inflammation, right?  Maybe I should really be taking more instead of trying to take less.

Yes, consider it.  Usually gut inflammation is a food allergy, like gluten etc.


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