April 22, 2013 by KELLEY BERGMAN
We are all seeing less of the Sun. If you were born before the 90s, you may remember a deep blue sky above the Earth, however those pristine clear skies are now only a memory. The amount of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface has been gradually falling partly due to artificial climate modification and geoengineering initiatives–a misguided attempt to cool the planet by reflecting the sun. We have now lost 20 percent of the sun’s rays due to the consequences–global dimming, which is affecting our health and future.

Why in The World are They Spraying
While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth’s natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.
Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth’s surface that was observed for several decades after the start of systematic measurements in the 1950s. The effect varies by location, but worldwide it has been estimated to be of the order of a 5% reduction over the three decades from 1960-1990 and another 15-17% reduction from 1990 to present.
Much suspicion has been aroused by unusual cloud formations and abnormal jet trails in the upper atmosphere over the past decade. They’ve been called chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. The largest reports come from Canada and U.S. but it happens all over the world including countries such as France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom among many others. If you live in these countries, just look above you as you’ll see them at some point throughout day or week. Often these jets leave just a thick wisp of a trail or they leave a long line of dashed trails across the entire sky.
These events go unreported by the mainstream media and governments remain silent. This collusion, whether intentional or otherwise, keeps us in the dark with regard to a grand geo-engineering experiment that has the effect of hobbling our health and severely disrupting the natural environment. And we would have been lost but for the internet.
A Case Orange report cites a number of US patents for the invention of a “Specific contrail generation apparatus for producing a powder contrail having maximum radiation scattering ability for a given weight of material. The seeding material consists of 85 percent metallic particles and 15 percent colloidal silica and silica gel in order to produce a stable contrail that has a residence period of up to 1 to 2 weeks.â€
NASA noted in an October 2005 newsletter, and from other study results, notes that increasingly persistent contrails are turning into man-made clouds that are “trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming.” NASA goes on to note that: ” Any increase in global cloud cover will contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Likewise, any change in Earth’s climate may have effects on natural resources.”
NASA studies show that climate change and global warming problems could be attributed to these types of persistent jet contrails and that jets cause them to form in our once clear blue skies. One of the issues needed to be addressed as we go forward is: “HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR SKIES NATURAL OR MAN-MADE?” And right now we are making manmade clouds like the ones you see up on the screen. And these man-made clouds are trapping warmth in our atmosphere. Isn’t it time that all of us addressed this global warming issue?
In 2007, The World Meteorological Organisation (of the United Nations) published a statement that included “Guidelines for Planning of Weather Modification Activities.†This document clearly implicates the UN in plans to conduct aerosol spraying activities on a wide scale.
In 2009, the publication of a report entitled “Modification of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming†put the case for further geo-engineering strategies. These all had the stated intent of creating a layer of reflective cloud capable of bouncing back the sun’s rays to prevent unwanted terrestrial climate heating. The report states that the findings of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change supports the proposition outlined in the Hughes Aircraft Patent 1991 on stratospheric seeding for reduction of global warming.
There is absolutely no doubt of the existence of these operations on a global scale. After all, we only have to look up to confirm it.
Global Dimming
Comparing Israeli sunlight records from the 1950s with current ones, Dr Stanhill was astonished to find a large fall in solar radiation.
“There was a staggering 22% drop in the sunlight, and that really amazed me.” Intrigued, he searched records from all around the world, and found the same story almost everywhere he looked.
Sunlight was falling by 10% over the USA, nearly 30% in parts of the former Soviet Union, and even by 16% in parts of the British Isles.
Although the effect varied greatly from place to place, overall the decline amounted to one to two per cent globally every decade between the 1950s and the 1990s.
Dr Stanhill called it “global dimming”, but his research, published in 2001, met a sceptical response from other scientists.
It was only recently, when his conclusions were confirmed by Australian scientists using a completely different method to estimate solar radiation, that climate scientists at last woke up to the reality of global dimming.
This visible air pollution created by geoengineering reflects sunlight back into space, preventing it reaching the surface. But the pollution also changes the optical properties of clouds.
Because the particles seed the formation of water droplets, polluted clouds contain a larger number of droplets than unpolluted clouds.
Recent research shows that this makes them more reflective than they would otherwise be, again reflecting the Sun’s rays back into space.
Scientists are now worried that dimming, by shielding the oceans from the full power of the Sun, may be disrupting the pattern of the world’s rainfall.
There are suggestions that dimming was behind the droughts in sub-Saharan Africa which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the 1970s and 80s.
Others have speculated that the UN’s depopulation plan (Agenda 21) is using geoengineering as one of its most effective platforms.
There are disturbing hints the same thing may be happening today in Asia, home to half the world’s population.
“My main concern is global dimming is also having a detrimental impact on the Asian monsoon,” says Professor Veerhabhadran Ramanathan, professor of climate and atmospheric sciences at the University of California, San Diego. “We are talking about billions of people.”
Kelley Bergman is a media consultant, critic and geopolitical investigator. She has worked as a journalist and writer, specializing in geostrategic issues around the globe.
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