As reprinted from Andreas Moritz’ Facebook page
Dear Friends, 
Since the time of Andreas’ passing, we have received several emails from caring friends, colleagues and clients around the world asking to know more about the cause and circumstances of his crossing over.
It is our understanding that the cause of his death dates back to his serious health problems in early childhood.
At that time, the medical doctors in Germany diagnosed him as having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and severe arrhythmia, amongst many other medical conditions. Unable to alleviate his ailments, and to the best of our understanding, the doctors did not give him much hope of surviving past his teen years or early adulthood; his life expectancy was short, and this is something Andreas has mentioned in several of his books and interviews.
Realizing that mainstream medicine was unable to help him, Andreas acknowledged that the only real chance he had of overcoming these chronic and debilitating health issues was to learn everything he could about how the human body truly functions. And so by the young age of 15, Andreas had begun to make a serious study of the human digestive system, experimenting with many different changes to his food intake and overall nutrition. He finally discovered that foods derived from animal (protein) sources were poisoning his body, and when he eliminated them, many of his symptoms disappeared.
His deep and unrelenting passion for learning more and more about human health, restoring one’s health naturally, and sharing this knowledge, wisdom and experience to help others around the globe remained the central focus and driving thrust throughout his life. Thanks to this, he soon discovered the liver and gallbladder flush (the one described in his books) to be the most effective approach – a natural, non-invasive healing modality that finally enabled him to restore his overall health and that of millions of people worldwide.
A couple of months before his transition, Andreas was exposed to insidious mold inhalation. This, with time, created complications that led to heart valve failure, which stemmed from his childhood “severe arrhythmiaâ€. Understandably, Andreas refused to have invasive surgical treatments or procedures, living by his deep-rooted beliefs and supported by a calm, inner knowingness that his time on Earth was completed.
It is common knowledge that Andreas had totally transcended all fear of death. And that was his tranquil, fulfilled state of heart, mind and soul when he did pass over, with his beloved wife, Lillian, by his side.
'Andreas Moritz’ Cause of Death' have 8 comments
April 25, 2013 @ 5:12 am Rob Fordham
I hope he is bathing in heavenly bliss! Thank you Andreas for your contribution to world :)
April 25, 2013 @ 4:04 pm Trevor Perry
Yet another vegan/vegetarian nut like Linda McCartney who died for their perverted beliefs. Probably poisoned by doctors with vaccines and drugs at a young age, and likely a mother on a vegetarian kick, Moritz refused to ever adopt the ancient wisdom of the Weston-Price animal-food diet. Not only that, he sickened many by inculcating his flawed dietary philosophy. The liver and gall-bladder flush themselves naturally on a diet rich in animal fats. Anything else is radical and potentially harmful.
Don’t idolize false messiahs.
October 18, 2021 @ 6:45 am Val Allen
Trevor Perrys opinion is not enough information about Moritz forward thinking and ability to support lives.
Please research yourself and don’t take others influence; Including me.
I found the amazing help he did give in his life time.
Perhaps If pharmaceuticals had not been the Greedy owners of Investors putting money before lives as they do today we would have more of natures medicine to Assist us instead of truth not being available for humans to choose from on their own.
The future is going to see a turn around of how Drs work.
Functional Medicine is the beginning of a new day, our healing with dangerous pharmaceuticals to gain profit will not be the norm. .
July 7, 2021 @ 6:05 pm Sandy
I am just reading my book book written by Mr. Moritz and Im finding it makes “a lot of sense,” to me. The month I gave up “red meat and coffee,” all my PMS symptoms disappeared, and that was when I was in my mid-20’s. I used to like eating fish until I discovered my body is riddled with “parasites,” yikes!… I feel the best eating a bowl of mixed-bean soup with fresh vegetables, esp. in the evening. I find that the next morning, I don’t have hunger pains and I don’t get hyperglycemic even if I wait until 11 AM to eat my first meal for the day. My aunt when she was alive, had a nursing career, and she was the 1st who told me that, “more people die earlier after getting radiation and cancer treatment than those who just kept their cancer and opted for no chemo and no surgery.” We all are going to believe what we want to and we all have to die of something… I find it difficult to even eat eggs anymore and I’m feeling better on a totally vegetarian, fruit veggies, bean and lentil diet due to having less “stomach distress.” The bean soup is very easy to make with a rice cooker or a pressure cooker. A relative also, stays away from eating meat and poultry due to all the antibiotics and carcinogens they put in the meat, to include food dyes. We also, never know exactly how old the meat is as everything is pre-frozen. God only knows what kind of poisons are in animal meat from when the animals get traumatized in horror, knowing they are about to be killed and having to watch all their animal friends tortured and killed in slaughter houses. Animals have feelings, I consider animals my friends; I don’t kill or eat my friends who have been killed…
April 22, 2022 @ 12:56 pm Allen
Everything you said about meat is completely false.
August 28, 2021 @ 2:12 am G
Andreas Moritz was a true beacon of light. Such a wise, incredibly well informed man. A true inspiration – he was given a very bleak medical prognosis at a young age and told he wouldn’t live very long. He educated and treated himself and completely defied all the claims by conventional medics. Not only did he heal himself but he became very healthy which was evident by the way he just glowed all the time. He was a true, living example of how a human body should be at optimal health. This was all achieved through his self determination and self education. He then used all the knowledge he had gleaned to inform and help others. He must have helped thousands of people and I’m sure continues to do so. He certainly helped me and continues to do so. Andreas Moritz was such a gentle, humble and wise soul. He gave such a valuable gift and contribution to Humanity. He has left a priceless legacy. I’m sure he will have been transitioned to a blissful place. Thank You Andreas Moritz.
February 6, 2023 @ 1:51 pm Kees van Wegen
I fully agree, Such a wise and humble man!
October 2, 2021 @ 10:40 pm marchia of Healthy Referral
I just recently was reading more abt Andreas and simply wanted to say how very much we appreciate souls such as his who are willing to share the valuable information that they took the time to research & to pass on to others! We have been educating the public abt preventive/natural health & personal growth since 1989! We are certain that he continues to be of help ….from beyond!>
in health…….NATURALLY