7th August 2013

By Tracy Kolenchuk


“Science advances one funeral at a time” said Nobel Prize winning physicists Max Planck. Unfortunately, it has the ring of truth. But why can’t science advance “one cure at a time“?

It can.

In theory, no-one knows how to cure cancer. In theory, everyone is searching for a cure for cancer. In theory, many people are raising money to “find a cure”. But those theories are wrong. We know how to cure cancer. We’ve known for some time.

Many cancers have been cured and people are curing cancer today. There are thousands, possibly millions worldwide, of people who have records of cancer diagnosis, who no longer have cancer. I’m not talking about people who were treated with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Statistically, those people are waiting for remission or death. I’m talking about people who cured their cancer. In some of these cases the patient was given up for dead by the medical system – but is living and thriving today.


In reality, it’s easy to learn to cure cancer:

1. Search for situations where cancers were cured (there are lots of them).
2. Examine them thoroughly until we really, really understand what happened, until we understand what caused that specific cancer, and why the cure worked.
3. Design studies to test our conclusions and improve our understanding.
4. Eventually, we find the real causes, learn the truth about preventatives and understand the best treatments for cancer.

This is NOT the technique your doctor uses. Your doctor is not a scientist, he is a practitioner. When your doctor finds a cancer, the goal is not to ‘learn how to cure cancer’. The goal is to ‘treat the patient’ with recognized pharmaceuticals or surgeries.

It is also not the technique used by scientists who are searching for a cure for cancer. Scientists who are searching for a cancer cure are searching for a synthetic ‘medicine’ to treat patients already suffering from cancer. That’s where the money is to be found. That’s where the research grants come from. That’s how you get a Nobel Prize for medicine; by developing a ‘cure’.

But there is little money to be made by learning to prevent cancer, or by curing cancer one patient at a time – so nobody is interested.

If your cancer has been cured – doctors are not interested. You are no longer a patient.

If your cancer has been cured – scientists are not interested. More money can be made by studying people who have cancer.

If your cancer has been cured – your insurance company is not interested. Don’t expect your insurance company to make any payments for ‘alternative’ cures. Insurance companies pay for ‘recognized treatments’, of which there are many – especially ’cancer treatments’. But your insurance company believes there are no cancer cures.

So how can we find the cure(s) for cancer(s) if we refuse to look at the people who are cured? How can we cure cancer if we refuse to look at people who are healthy?

A New Kind of Thinking

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein

Thirty years ago we declared war on cancer, and yet today there are more cancers and more cancer deaths than ever before. Whatever we are doing, it’s making the problem worse not better. We created this problem over the past 30 years. To solve it, we need a new kind of thinking.

Many fundraising groups collect millions of dollars every year to ‘find the cure’. Instead, we need to find the cured. They are out there, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be acknowledged, waiting to be studied. But they are ignored by the illness industry.

Cancer, it seems, is all about the money. People doing cancer research don’t want to find a cure for cancer. They want to create the cure. If they can create a cure, they can make a lot of money. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that patented cancer treatments that don’t work are already making a lot of money. Chemotherapy is big business, even though it doesn’t work very well and it clearly makes patient less healthy in the short term, and in the long term. But chemotherapy makes money. So do surgery and radiation treatments.

So how do we cure cancer? The technique is simple. Look at the cures. They’re all around us. Look at healthiness, not illness. Study healthicine, not medicine.

To your health, Tracy

ps. This is the first in a series of posts that emphasize the point “we know how to cure cancer.” Stay tuned – there is more to be said.

Previous articles by Tracy Kolenchuk:

About the Author:

Tracy Kolenchuk is a retired Canadian computer geek, health nut, arts photographer, cyclist, swimmer, world traveler, dog and horse lover, chess-player and tai chi practitioner who is passionate about everything he does. Tracy is not a doctor. He is the founder of PersonalHealthFreedom.blogspot.com and the site Healthicine.org, where he expects to change the way the world defines and looks at health, healthiness and healthicine. He has written posts for GreenMedInfo.com and is now a regular contributor to WakeUpWorld.com.


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