Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

One thing’s for sure: when Dr. Oz speaks, people listen. Many a healthfood store and tea shop owner have saluted him when he mentions their goods on air – and their stores fill up. In the past he has drawn cheers and jeers for his fluctuating stances on organic food and genetically modified organisms in the food supply .

Today, he makes a very clear stance, as a concerned doctor, against the EPA’s pending approval of a new, toxic pesticide intended for use on genetically engineered crops like corn and soy – this country’s biggest crops and food ingredients. He warns about floundering brain health, thyroid problems, chronic disease and more as a result of this stronger pesticide’s use.

Today’s episode of The Dr. Oz Show examines a new GMO pesticide that the EPA is on the very brink of approving because GMO crops now contain superweeds that have become resistant to glyphosate (Roundup). This new concoction called Enlist Duo, by Dow AgroSciences, contains both glyphosate and the choline salt of 2,4-D (2,4-D was one of the ingredients in Agent Orange).

His stark warning, that I include in the title of this article, is actually found in the longer version of the video, HERE . In that clip he says, “GMOs can be ushering in a pesticide arms race, and the health of your brain could be the casualty.” In another clip, “America, we are running…out of time.”
Here is a YouTube preview of the episode:

Read more at http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/dr-oz-gmos-can-be-ushering-in-pesticide.html#3C1KPGAfX1ddGM8r.99


Note: The EPA has stated that Enlist Duo will not be sprayed from planes. It claims that this pesticide is not the same as Agent Orange because A.O. contained 2,4,5-T (with dioxin), kerosene and diesel fuel along with the 2,4-D. ( source )

The EPA had a comment period open in spring-summer of this year, and is expected to announce a decision soon, but it is expected to hit the market. The EPA responded to Dr. Oz’s questions in a statement here . From their statement, it’s easy to ascertain their pre-approval. They ignored the doctors and scientists who had commented with evidence of the pesticide’s role in leading to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – and instead mention the use of “sound science.”

Likewise, Dow’s response to Dr. Oz falls back on the “sound science” of the EPA, FDA and USDA. Also on Dr. Oz’s site is a petition to the White House to stop the approval – perhaps as one last effort given the EPA’s clear stance. Dr. Oz also features some GMO facts for newcomers.

The world’s biggest seed, biotech and chemical companies have a long history of working together. When one product becomes null, an alternating company has a new one at the ready. Instead of being looked at as collusion, the regulatory agencies view it as the only solution to an agricultural state of emergency. Their past studies show even psychological effects from the use of pesticides but this has never caused any thoughtful pause in approval. The “sound science” the EPA refers to in their statement above is actually just the idea of past use and common use, therefore, it’s okay to them.


Also see a short video here to learn more:
EPA Approves Agent Orange for GMO Crops

Also see:
Is Monsanto Contributing To The Rise In Mass Shootings?

Heather Callaghan is a natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work atNaturalBlaze.com and ActivistPost.com. Like at Facebook.
Read more at http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/dr-oz-gmos-can-be-ushering-in-pesticide.html#3C1KPGAfX1ddGM8r.99

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