Find the answers to these questions in this interview withDr. Dan Pompa


-I continue to get detox symptoms when I take oral chelators, Dr. Boyde Haleys OSR, DMSA, etc. They are powerful mercury chelators. I get visual disturbances, foggy heavy head , fatigue etc..I have been chelating for over 6 years on an off…… could I still have mercury? Or am I just moving it around………as Dr Huggins says….I do have Hep C so maybe the liver can’t move it out?

-I am looking for a good chiropractor . I hear some say the cracking of bones, back and neck adjustments are not good. Is that true? The chiropractors I see all want to do this and it does seem to help, although I am not sure? What is the truth and how do you shop for a doctor?

-I drink a lot of raw goat milk . What are your thoughts on raw goat milk? I am 55 year old female and my husband is 60 years…..Is that to much calcium and fat for us……..How much is safe? Do we need to do the rotation idea?

-What are your guests views on dairy and beans? What is his favorite sources of high quality fats?

-Would you please ask your guest if he has ever identified a particular bad bacteria, such as Klebsiella for being responsible for a person not being able to lose weight or the gut permeability he was speaking about.

Additional topics discussed:

-Hormone resistance: Why our cells our not listening to the hormones

-Fat: The missing nutrient to fix the cell

-The problem with too much glucose: Controlling glucose is the key to living longer

-Measuring your blood sugar when eating grains; how to know if your body is doing well with it

-How detoxing can become dangerous

-Opening up all your detox pathways

-Shopping for a chiropractor: How to know you have found the right one

-When you can’t get raw milk, what’s the next best?

-Dr. Pompa’s ideas about beans

-Certain bacteria that prevent weight loss

-Burst training: The most effective way to exercise to lose weight

and so much more!

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