Name::  Penny

Subject::  Bad Electricity and Solar Panels Comments / Inquiries::  Hi,  my 4 year olds kindergarten in Sydney is proposing to install solar panels on its roof and is seeking agreement from parents.  As an environmental scientist I am pleased that they are taking these ‘greenmeasures but recently heard about ‘bad electricitygenerated from solar panels and children can be particularly sensitive.  Would you please be able to give me a contact to discuss these concerns.  There doesn’t seem to be much research done on this issue when I ‘googled’.

I also would just like to say how much I enjoy your show.  Keep up the great work!



the very best Penny, (my understanding), is running direct current into appliances that run on DC….from panels is the best.

When you have AC appliances, (as most are of course)…you convert the DC to AC with a converter.  The important thing in that is that the converter produces a perfect sine wave which is the least harmful for humans and grid electricity has lots of "noise"
With their wave, meaning it is not a pure sine wave…that is disrupting to the body.

Having said that all electricity in wires in the walls are body disruptors and if you are building you can eliminate that problem by putting the wires in good conduit to block the emissions.

The most important place is the bedroom, where regardless of what you do.  Have an electrician set up the bedrooms where you can flip a switch and turn off the electricity going into the bedroom totally…not just turning off the lights etc. but stopping the electricity at a junction box outside the bedroom.

Hope that helps.


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