Patrick Timpone

Understanding NSA PRISM and Other Covert Operations from a Constitutional and Technical Standpoint

Paul Rosenburg

Freemans Perspective

with Jonathan Logan


Paul Rosenberg is the author of, a collection of insights on topics ranging from Internet privacy to economic freedom, the purpose of life to alternative currencies.What you learned in school was a partial, cartoon version of history. You learned what made the big bosses look good, and no more.

Jonathan Logan is the Vice President & CTO of CryptoHippie. Responsible for Research and Development, system administration auditing, infrastructure, operations and managing our anonymous administrators. Our CTO has 12 years of experience in privacy and security as CTO&CDO, software developer, system administrator, consultant and trainer.


Show Highlights:

-Knowing what the government is doing and maybe coming to the conclusion that it’s not right

-Yes, we’re being recorded

-The NSA, FBI and other agencies have access to all the meta-data and can find out who you were talking to and when from years ago

-People really don’t want to believe the extent to which they are being spied on

-Always assume you are being listened to and recorded

-Is it necessary to encrypt cell phone calls? And how can we do it?

-If you don’t protect your freedom for freedoms sake, you could lose your freedom

-Facebook, the ultimate cancer

-The creepiness of Google

-The difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy

-How all laws are authorizations of violence

-Have you read the Declaration of Independence?

-What would our founding fathers think of this “free society”?



paul rosenberg and jonalthan logan, nsa nuts, bolts and the usc, july 2, 2013

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