Portable Detox Sauna FIR

RELAX Sit-Up Far Infrared Ray (FIR)Sauna

Don’t Be Fooled By ‘Knock Offs”

Regular retail price  $1495.00

But as a One Radio Network listener, you are eligible for a special discount. Please email Patrick Timpone for details. We ship world wide!

Sauna Benefits Deep Dive and Optimal Use with Dr. Rhonda Patrick & MedCram

What makes the Relax Sauna different from other far infrared saunas?

Detoxify heavy metals and chemicals from the body
Burn calories and lose weight
Increase circulation
More youthful skin by improving collagen production
Increases mitochondrial energy production which gives you a boost in energy after using
The highest levels of absorbable far infrared of any infrared sauna
Very safe: will not even burn tissue paper if held directly to the radiators
Fast: Sauna heats up in 30 seconds
Easy to clean and maintain
Very portable – fits into a convenient carrying bag
Very LOW EMF near the body. The radiators are down near the feet unlike most saunas which have panels which emit EMF all around the body. 

​​The only Sauna with the computer-programmed ceramic semi-conductor chip that filters out ALL of the non-healing light rays, so that you can totally absorb the healing far infrared rays of 4-14 microns, and not have to resist any other energies.

The Relax Sauna is made with 40 pieces of hi-tech temperature controlled semi-conductors.  The wavelength & temperature are controlled by the program. The wavelength is between 4~14um, which is easily absorbed by our body, penetrating deeply.

The Relax sauna is the preferred sauna by those looking for an infrared sauna and especially those who have tried the Relax sauna. As evidenced by over 500 video testimonials on Youtube, many by those who have used wooden far infrared and other portable far infrared saunas in the past.



You will have the newest model Relax Far Infrared Sauna delivered

 Please remember to give us your phone number for FEDX

Comes with a FREE Carrying Bag

Email us now for special price only available with Patrick



Take a look at pictures of the parts and how to assemble your new sauna in the owners manual

Owners Manual



More information on the features

of the RELAX (FIR) Sauna


The RELAX FIR Sauna provides an environment of 70 – 80 degrees C.
At this temperature metabolism will be improved, and the blood circulation will be improved.

The FIR energy fan and the specially designed cover material allows for the FIR energy to evenly distribute throughout the sauna. You can breathe air easily, while your body is warmed in a

“hot spring of FIR energized Air.” It’s “better” than being in a “Hot Spring.”

The special designed cover will NOT absorb any smells. There also is no smell.

Other units can leave a smell, but the material in which this unit is made absorbs no odors whatsoever,
even after months of use. It is very very easy to clean.

Even though the temperature is very high, the FIR Sauna is VERY Safe.

This unit has CE and GS certificates. In Europe, the CE mark is a standard for safety.

The GS certificate further indicates an added level of safety.

It takes just about 5-10 minutes to start sweating when using the RELAX FIR Sauna.

By the end of 25 minutes, one can have a very very very good sweat.

The Timer Control can be set for any time period from 1 minute to 30 minutes.

After the 30 minutes is up, and you can handle more, you can do it again for any time period.

It only takes minutes to set up and close down. There is no mess to clean up.

The specially designed cover will not absorb “direct heat energy”. There is no need to preheat
the sauna or for any kind of warm up procedure. (The old type of wood sauna will absorb “heat energy”
and will need a long period of time to warm up.)

This unit is light and compact. It easily fits in the back of a car. Can ship regular UPS, or FedEx.


(NaturalNews) The first two parts of this series examined the health advantages of lymphatic cleansing with rebound exercise, and fasting for the removal of toxic build-up and internal purification. A third method of detoxification is through the regular use of a far-infrared sauna. The benefits of these three stand-alone practices are exponential when combined and integrated into a healing regimen or health maintenance program. Any healing protocol should also include an ample supply of whole foods. Such a comprehensive program advances the healing process and counters the effects of living in a toxic world.

Far infrared rays are part of the sun’s natural spectrum. The radiant energy produced by an infrared sauna is the same as heat from the sun, with the exclusion of the ultraviolet rays. A heat source, (usually ceramic heating elements), emits infrared waves that penetrate and relax the body as increased blood circulation warms the skin. A flood of sweat and toxins is released through the skin’s open pores as the warm blood circulates deeper throughout the body.

The infrared sauna is a powerful means of cellular cleansing as it increases metabolism and blood circulation. In addition to its use for detoxification it also relaxes muscles, soothes the spirit and rejuvenates the body.(READ MORE)

Listen to Jana Wilson talk about how many of her health issues were healed within just 6 minutes of using this sauna. She explains in detail how the sauna works and the complete benefits it provides as well as what she personally experienced. Jana fell so much in love with this sauna, she married the man who sold it to her :)


jana wilson, far infrared healing light technology, april, 2013

'The Benefits of Using a FIR Sauna' has 1 comment

  1. March 24, 2011 @ 2:39 am sleish

    i live in australia, how do i get one?

    do u need an australian distributer?

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