Woman Uses Carrot Juice to Beat Stage 4 Cancer! : Natural Society

October 3rd, 2014

One way cancer develops in breast tissue is through the cancer-resistant protein (BCRP/ABCG2), but there is a way to effectively block this protein, both preventing and treating already existent cancer. Actually, just one food (actually, compound)whichyou might already eat (or drink) has the ability to inhibit that protein from being taken up by the body and spreading cancerous cells as a ‘side population.’ It’s calledfalcarinol, and it occurs naturally in carrots.

This is information someone namedAnn Cameron alreadyknows. She treated Stage 4 cancer with the use of carrots, and she did it without chemotherapy, radiation, or other drastic dietary changes.

She was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer, and later a cancer that metastasized to her lungs. She refused chemotherapy, and her oncologist told her that radiation wouldn’t help. She then read copious amounts of information on natural “cures” for cancer. So knowing that her life expectancy was short according to her prognosis,she tried out some natural alternatives.

Cameron simply juiced 5 pounds of carrots a day, amounting to about a quart a day. After eight weeks, she returned to her doctor’s office for a check up, and they were shocked.

They found no growth of the cancer, some shrinkage of the tumors, and fewer swollen lymph nodes. In just eight weeks, the growth of the tumors had stopped.

She continued to juice her carrots. By 6months in, her tumors continued to shrink, no new tumors had developed, and she was almost cancer free. Four months later – there was no sign of cancer whatsoever.

Read: Woman Heals Broken Pelvis Using Carrot Juice

Falcarinol is likely just one of the cancer-preventing/curing elements in carrots.Dr. Max Gersonwas famous for using them in his natural therapies fortreating cancer patients. Carrots are also high in free-radical reducing antioxidants and vitamin A, which assists in RNA synthesis while also stimulating thyroid and adrenal function.

You can juice your carrots if you have already been diagnosed with advanced stage cancer, or you can simply add them to different recipes if you want to be more proactive in preventing the disease.

Carrots are tasty in salads, gently blanched with cinnamon and butter, or even in muffins and baked goods. Look for smooth, firm roots, and bright green tops, and always buy organic. There are33 different carrot-loving recipes here.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/natural-falcarinol-fights-breast-cancers-even-stage-4/#ixzz3FB2wO2af
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