April 25, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC

A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers to control autistic symptoms is here. The medical propaganda matrix has once again come full circle with their patented problem-reaction-solution. Although there is no study which directly links vaccines as the cause of autism, there have been hundreds of others with correlations. Even if scientists are dismissive on the causation front, why do they continue to explore methods which are misinformed, misguided and completely ineffective?

Constipation and diarrhea are common in autistic patients. So what’s the solution? A vaccine of course.

Physicians bombard austistic children with antibiotics for a bacteria Clostridium bolteae that has been shown in overabundance in the intestinal tract of autistic children suffering from gastric intestinal ailments.

Some research has noted that an autism-associated neurotoxin produced by Clostridium bolteae may play a role in triggering late-onset autism in some individuals.

The study by Brittany Pequegnat and Guelph University chemistry professor Mario Monteiro appears this month in the journal Vaccine.

They developed a carbohydrate-based vaccine against the bactera.

What is particularly interesting about this vaccine is that researchers know practically nothing about why autistic children have higher concentrations of the bacteria, or whether or not it specifically causes the range of gastrointestinal distress these children experience. “Little is known about the factors that predispose autistic children to C. bolteae,” said Monteiro. Although most infections are handled by some antibiotics, he said, a vaccine would improve current treatment.

Diet and prescription medication has long been suspected as causes for the increase in C. bolteae, however researchers seem the glance over the data in favor of vaccine development.

“This is the first vaccine designed to control constipation and diarrhea caused by C. bolteae and perhaps control autism-related symptoms associated with this microbe,” he said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are now 1 in 88 children in the United States who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Boys are almost five times more likely to be autistic than girls — with 1 in 54 boys now identified. This represents almost a 1000% increase since the 1980s.

There have never been any long term, double blind studies for any vaccine to prove that they are not responsible for the development of autism in children. The vaccine testing, therefore, is on the general population.

Although many scientists have focused on vaccines, environmental factors and genetics, others have applied their reseach to the human gut.

Some researchers believe toxins and/or metabolites produced by gut bacteria, including C. bolteae, may be associated with symptoms and severity of autism, especially regressive autism.

The new anti- C. bolteae vaccine supposedly targets the specific complex polysaccharides, or carbohydrates, on the surface of the bug. There is no currently no evidence in any trials that the vaccine has effectiveness to curb symptoms of autism or GI distress.

The vaccine might take more than 10 years to work through pre-clinical and human trials, and it may take even longer before a drug is ready for market, Monteiro said.

“But this is a significant first step in the design of a multivalent vaccine against several autism-related gut bacteria,” he said.

Why Additional Vaccines Are Not The Answer

The reason vaccines will never address the underlying problems related to autism and GI distress is due to the reactions of specific pollutants of which autistic children experience negative symptoms. The highest probable cause for C. bolteae’s abundance is due to an imbalance of bacterial populations in the gut which are attempting to balance the stress from these pollutants.

Many parents have claimed a high degree of success from dietary strategies to reduce the symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). According to researchers from Penn State a gluten-free, casein-free diet may lead to improvements in behavior and physiological symptoms in children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder ASD.

“Research has shown that children with ASD commonly have GI [gastrointestinal] symptoms,” said Christine Pennesi, medical student at Penn State College of Medicine. “Notably, a greater proportion of our study population reported GI and allergy symptoms than what is seen in the general pediatric population. Some experts have suggested that gluten- and casein-derived peptides cause an immune response in children with ASD, and others have proposed that the peptides could trigger GI symptoms and behavioral problems.”

“Gluten and casein seem to be the most immunoreactive,” Klein said. “A child’s skin and blood tests for gluten and casein allergies can be negative, but the child still can have a localized immune response in the gut that can lead to behavioral and psychological symptoms. When you add that in with autism you can get an exacerbation of effects.”

“If parents are going to try a gluten-free, casein-free diet with their children, they really need to stick to it in order to receive the possible benefits,” she said.

Detoxification and Immune Systems

In the body of an autistic individual, portions of the detoxification system, as well as specific metabolic processes become dysfunctional, leading to a diminished ability to completely break down certain foods. When analyzed by sophisticated scientific instruments, a portion of these partially digested substances are shown to resemble morphine (yes, morphine). These neurotoxins (opioid substances) leak out of the digestive tract, into the blood stream and attack the brain/nervous system, producing the symptoms and complications associated with autism. Diminished levels of critical substances such as glutathione (resulting in oxidative stress) keep this process in place.

Recovery of autism requires:

– Stop the production of neurotoxins (opioid substances)

– Reduce or eliminate oxidative stress

– Heal the nervous system

In October of 2001, a team of clinicians and researchers led by William Walsh, Ph.D. then at the Pheiffer Treatment Center, affiliated with the Health Research Institute now of Warrenville, IL, made available a scientific study entitled “Metallothionein and Autism”. Metallothionein is a protein that is critical to the process of detoxification of harmful substances, particularly heavy metals and toxic chemicals.

The paper describes a study of 503 patients on the autism spectrum vs. aged-matched non-autistic patients. The conclusion of this study was that “most autistic patients exhibit evidence of metallothionein (MT) dysfunction and this dysfunction may be a universal characteristic of autism-spectrum disorders”.

Translation: the detox systems of autistics are impaired.

Walsh also concluded that “MT dysfunction and autism may result from the intersection of two factors: (a) a genetic defect involving marginal or defective MT functioning, followed by (b) an environmental insult during early development which disables MT.”

According to Walsh’s paper, once MT becomes compromised, a host of other dysfunctions occur, including:

Detoxification of mercury and other toxic metals

Development and functioning of the immune system

-Development and paring of brain neurons

-Regulation of zinc and copper levels in blood

Prevention of yeast overgrowth in the intestines

Production of enzymes that break down casein and gluten

Response to intestinal inflammation

-Production of stomach acid

-Taste and texture discrimination of tongue epithelia

-Hippocampus function and behavior control

-Development of emotional memory

Walsh’s paper continues: “Examples of biochemical factors which can disable MT proteins include (a) severe zinc depletion, (b) abnormalities in the glutathione redox system, (c) cysteine deficiency, and (d) malfunction of metal regulating elements (MRE’s).”

Glutathione is frequently mentioned in biomedical discussions of autism due to its critical role in the detoxification pathway. Glutathione is produced by a metabolic process known as the methionine cycle. Important work has been performed describing the most vulnerable parts of the methionine cycle. This cycle starts with methionine and is supposed to end with glutathione. However, because this metabolic process has been disrupted in autistics, little or no glutathione is produced. Indeed, oxidative stress, or low levels of glutathione have been described as a hallmark traits of autism.

Because glutathione is so critical in the detoxification pathway, diminished levels begin to interfere with a variety of other metabolic processes as initially described by Dr. Walsh and borne out via subsequent research. These include the dysfunction of the methylation and sulfation processes. Following is an excerpt from “Autism is Curable. How a Generation Was Poisoned And How To Correct It” by Dr. Stuart H Freedenfeld describing these processes.

“Methylation is an extremely important process that is essential to our health. It activates brain-signaling molecules and inactivates DNA and RNA (it is how liver cells learn to be different from muscle cells and how we inactivate viruses). Impairment of the methylation mechanism impairs another process called sulfation. Sulfation is necessary to produce many substances including the protective coating of the digestive tract and the connective tissues of the body. It is also the source of the most important detoxifying substance in our body, glutathione. This substance is so important that if its level falls below a certain amount in any cell, that cell will self-destruct. Glutathione is also the essential mechanism to remove toxic metals from inside the cells.

The Neurological System

Imagine for a moment the impact of having a dose of morphine delivered into your bloodstream and brain after every meal, day in and day out. Now observe the way an autistic child or adult behaves. Is it possible that they have been living under the burden of a highly potent and destructive opioid neurotoxin on a daily basis for a large portion of their lives?

Following are quotes from “Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: A Mother’s Story of Research & Recovery” by Karyn Seroussi, which beautifully describes the recovery of her son from autism via diet. “…these opiates, if they are permitted to enter the brain, can have a widespread effect on the nervous system similar to that of hallucinogenic drugs; and this results, in a developing child’s brain, in autistic behaviors. The proof of this lies in the presence of such drugs in the urine of the autistic children.

These effects will include disrupting neurotransmission in all the main systems (dopamine, serotonin, GABA, etc.). Consequently, perceptions by all of the senses (hearing, sight, taste, proprioception, pain, etc.) will be affected to a varying degree. At the same time, so will the ability to filter out what is important from what is not.” From “Unravelling the Mysteries of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder” by Karyn Seroussi.

Other evidence that morphine-like substances are reaching the brain is the frequent observation that autistics tend to crave and eat the same food, diary and wheat based, all the time. Mac and cheese. Pizza. They appear to be addicted to their own food. They fly into fits when they don’t get it. Once they eat it they appear to lapse into a “food coma” until the addiction once again overwhelms them and they demand more.

Other observed neurological manifestations could be the result of opioids reaching the brain include seizures and changes to brain structure observed on imaging studies. But the real proof is in the ability to reverse the processes causing these symptoms resulting in improvement and recovery.

Recovery from autism:

(1) Stop production of opioid neurotoxins

(2) Reduce or eliminate oxidative stress

(3) Heal the nervous system

Knowing the metabolic processes at play that result in the symptoms of autism, one can begin to envision that reversal of these processes could lead to recovery or at least diminishment of symptoms. This is exactly what happened with recovered autistics.

Stop the production of Opioid Neurotoxins and Reduce or Eliminate Oxidative Stress (Yes, these can sometimes be addressed with the same treatment methods):

Treating autism with vaccines is only adding fuel to the fire in terms of exacerbating symptoms that could otherwise be reduced or eliminated through dietary and detoxification strategies. The medical community continues its arrogance and ignorance in adopting treatment protocols that have a higher probability of harming rather than helping patients. The key for all ASD affected children is to seek healing through natural intervention which address inflammatory, oxidative and immunotoxic stress as the primary course of action.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


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