Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey M.D.

Answering Your Health Questions

Here’s another fun and informative show with one of our favorite doctors,Richard Massey M.D. Ask Dr. Massey is a monthly feature here.

You’ll hear plenty of conversation around thyroid function, including diet, using iodine for healing, testing for iodine levels and more.

-How speaking ones truth will raise thyroid function

-The spiritual, mental and emotional diet

-Vitamin C options

-Body temperature and its connections.

-Gluten sensitivity tests and challenges surrounding gluten

-The morphine effect with carbohydrates.

-Fulvic acid and foods, vitamins and minerals

-Fulvic Acids for nutrients in and toxins out

-How do we measure calcium deposits, calcium levels and calcium absorption

-The recipe for lowering high blood pressure

-Treating a baby with eczema

-Patrick’s off the HCL and the results?

Consultations at 830.990.2924 and also at

ask dr massey, richard massey, m.d., january 26, 2012, hour one

'Dr. Richard Massey M.D. – Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Health – January 26, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. March 29, 2012 @ 3:57 am anne

    If Dr. Massey, or yourself (Patrick) would of read the article from Dr. Ray Peat, you would of known that putting iodine on the skin is not a good marker to see if someone
    if iodine deficient. Dr. Ray Peat mentionned in one of his interview or article that this notion is ridiculous. I have a tendency to agree with him because I am iodine deficient and I put iodine on my skin and it doesn t disappeared. The stain of iodine realy stay on the skin.
    Also I have the tendancy to say it would be the contrary because on the urinary test when you are deficient with iodine, a great amount of it will be in the urine. There is no rentention of iodine. When a person has normal level, it stays within the body to do what it suppose to do. Because Iodine is every where in the cells on the body. So for the it is the same with iodine on the skin, if it disappeared it would indicated a normal level of iodine in the Body, because the body can retain it.

    If the body can retain, it is usually because of a chemical mecanism that is impaired in order for the body to excrete the urine (or stay outside the skin for this matter).

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