Darko Velcek

Heal Yourself

From the time that we opened our eyes in this creation we are told what to do, how to behave, what to learn and what to believe. One thing that we are not taught is how to think. As soon as we think, questions start to appear and we are not supposed to question the “truth”. All what we need is provided to us by our creator. Our fear deprives us of energy. Since the energy is electricity and electro-magnetism we can aid ourselves by utilizing the miraculous instruments of Dr. Robert Beck. Since we live in time of rapid evolution new technologies are becoming available but the most important thing is the understanding of self healing capabilities that we all possess. They are imbedded in our genes and all that we need is to understand it and help the cells of our body to do their job.

Darko believes White Hats have a New Republic in hand ready for the old U.S. system to implode

We talk about exactly how we create our own reality, the good, the bad and the ugly

Everything here is a projection of Soul, you and I

What is Darko’s opinion on the role of parasites in the body?

Why has Ivermectin worked to help some feel better?

Everything is detox. Everything.

Darko uses approx 10g of sea salt per liter in his salt protocol

Darko suggests we are obligate carnivores as stomach does not digest carbs, vegetables and grains well

How Darko sees the unfolding of this reset in humanity, what the baddies will do next and what de goodies are doing to stop them. What is our role.

1)  Does the stomach secrete different amounts of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid depending on what food(s) you’re eating?

2)  If so, how does it know how much of each of these to secrete?

i.e., is it according to looking at, smelling, and/or tasting the food?


A “typical” smoothie usually has protein(s), fat(s) and say a banana or something sweet to make it tasty.

Your taste buds are then really ONLY going to taste the sweetness, so it will think it’s ONLY fruit, so your stomach’s NOT going to secrete enzymes and hydrochloric acid to digest the proteins and fats, right?

Does Darko have any suggestions for regrowing hair on a thinning scalp that once was covered with a very thick layer?

'Darko Velcek | There’s Nothing Out There Trying to Kill Us Except Globalists – No Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites – Just Lunatic Politicians | September 27, 2023' have 4 comments

  1. October 4, 2023 @ 11:19 am Matthew Leckinger

    Patrick Timpone’s ‘One Radio Network’ was so freaking cool! I always looked forward to catching his interviews. Caught nearly every one of them shortly after I got out of college from about 2007 to 2015 or so (and that’s when I felt like I got my real education..from his show + YouTube back in the day) when he was onto the benefits of Ozone, rainwater collection, MMS, juicing, and a lot of other Intel wayyyy before you would hear it elsewhere. God Bless that man and his Golden Retriever Doodle! He will be missed. He left a forever impact on my life.


  2. October 6, 2023 @ 12:41 am Steven owen

    What a loss, one of the best ever ,
    A void that will not be filled


  3. October 24, 2023 @ 11:29 am james

    Another great show. God bless you guys.


  4. April 24, 2024 @ 4:42 am dennisland

    99.99% of what Darko says is spot on, but the sad truth of the matter is that there are no white hats, this is patriot mythology promulgated by the deep state to lull the armed US citizenry into a false sense of security. After Atlantic city Trump walked away from Bank debt of between $900 million – $4 billion – A bankrupt Trump was no good to the Banksters so an arrangement was made whereby they would receive services of equivalent value in the future…
    They owned him, still do!


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