
Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Massey joins Patrick once a month for a fun and information filled time answering your questions on health and healing. Todays Topics:

-Cancer stem cells are sugar junkies. Dr. Massey talks about cancer cells, tumors and the effects of cancer and radiation. For more in depth info please read the following article from Green Med Info

-Does it really make sense to eat grains?

-Nerve damage from Candida. What is the job of Candida anyway?

-The forms of magnesium and their effects

-Gestalt therapy-Doc Massey uses this a lot with patients, but what exactly is it?

-Not all Stevia is created equal. Get the facts on this sweetener

-Gluten enzymes? We had no idea of them. YAY! Back to eating pasta, cookies and cakes without being found in a fetal position

-The history of Polio-Did you know there were cures in the 1930’s

-The AIDS scam

-Fermented foods are by far the best way to boost better bugs

And there is so much more in this interview. This is a good one!

Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at

Dr. Massey is now offering analysis of your blood regardless of where you live. It is a dried blood/matrix assessment. This provides and overview of health risk factors, such as heavy metals; hormone imbalances; free radical/antioxidant balance etc .Get more details by telephoning Dr. Massey or emailing him.

Click below to link to a video that shows you what you’ll be doing when he sends you the kit.



ask dr massey with richard massey m.d., july 26, 2012, hour one

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ask dr massey with richard massey m.d., july 26, 2012, hour two

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'Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Fascists are Running the Healthcare System So It’s Time to Reorient Ourselves to a More Natural Way – July 26, 2012' have 3 comments

  1. July 27, 2012 @ 6:46 am Crabby McSlacker

    Wow, hadn’t visited this site before, looks like you have an amazing collection of interviews!

    A bit rushed this morning so can’t catch the broadcast, but so many interesting topics… I hope, for instance, that I’m not using the wrong kind of stevia. But stevia used to taste terrible to me and now it doesn’t, so I suspect I’m probably using something that’s not good for me. Not sure I really want to know the bad news but should probably suck it up at some point and find out.

  2. September 4, 2012 @ 2:19 pm David

    Great show

  3. September 4, 2012 @ 2:21 pm David

    What do you recommend for receding gums which are also sometimes sore?

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