
Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Show Highlights:

-Has the FDA really declared IV vitamin C a drug?

-Dr. Massey shares a bit about his personal life and why he’s living as a nomad these days learning to be more grateful

-Colonics and coffee enemas-Patricks favorite pastime

-Patrick shares his results from his latest thermal imaging

-Drinking and nebulizing double helix ware to reduce inflammation in the body

-The problem with medical screening and lab tests

-Choosing the right fish oil

-What’s so good about turmeric, curcumin and resveratrol?

-Finding the root of anxiety through family constellation therapy

-The amazing ketogenic diet: Denny calls in to tell us all about it

-Ozone treatments

-Why you should never borrow and RV from a uroloist. Dr. Massey shares a cute story

-How do you rid yourself of mercury when you are malnourished and under weight?

-Alternatives for Prilosec

and so much more!!!!!



Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at

Dr. Massey is now offering analysis of your blood regardless of where you live. It is a dried blood/matrix assessment. This provides and overview of health risk factors, such as heavy metals; hormone imbalances; free radical/antioxidant balance etc .Get more details by telephoning Dr. Massey or emailing him


dr richard massey, m.d. and ask dr massey, july 25, 2013, hour one

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