Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey

Addressing Your Health Concerns with Alternative and Natural Ideas

Dr. Massey joined us for a jam packed 2 hours from the Chinati Hot Springs in West Texas.Some of the topics covered in todays show:

-Birth Trauma-Having a baby at home with midwives vs. a hospital birth. Dr. Massey gives us some interesting historical statistics and covers the trauma experienced by forced methods.

-Emotional Energetic Imprinting-How our emotions figure into sickness and disease and why it’s necessary to treat both the physical and emotional toxicity

-Thick Blood-What are the risks? And how to thin it.

-The connection between oral pathology and breast cancer

-When should fruit be eaten?

-Dental Work: The responsibility your dentist has to your immune system

-The best way to get magnesium

-Adrenal support

-Lowering cortisol levels

-Dr. Massey has been experimenting with a vegan diet and he tells us how he’s doing

and so much more. Enjoy the show!

Consultations at 830.990.2924 and also at

ask dr massey, richard massey m.d., february 23, 2012, hour one

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