
Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Show Highlights:

-With his recent life changes, Dr. Massey muses about living an unfamiliar life

-Translating the meaning of “The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe”. Dr. Massey takes apart the words and shows us how the “GAPS” diet just might be hiding within this piece written in 1794

-Leaky gut

-Dr. Massey talks about his visit to a medical mirijuana field

-Keeping the lymphatic system flowing

-Gestalt therapy: A great method for understanding and dealing with the emotional aspects of a disease

-The Karpman Drama Triangle-As long as the person continues to sit in the chair of the victim, healing may never take place

-Dealing with blood clots and their causes

-Curing candida with chlorine dioxide

-The magic of putting wood chips in the garden. Don’t mis our interview with Paul Gautschi. One of our best interviews on gardening ever

-Coffee enemas and their effect on cholesterol numbers

-Will WiFi eventually be shown to effect cholesterol?

-Scars and energy blockages

-An interesting thing about aspartame

-Get rid of parasites completely

-Patrick thinks Obama just may have leaky gut

-Vaccine and bacteria disruption in the gut; Using chlorine dioxide to re-balance gut bacteria

-Dr. Massey weighs in on the Ketogenic Diet

and so much more!!!


Contact Dr. Massey at 830.992.1143 and also at

Dr. Massey is now offering consultations on you health regardless of where you live. His fees are quite modest.

dr. richard massey m.d. ask dr. massey, august 29, 2013, hour one

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