Patrick Timpone
Dr. Richard Massey M.D.
Taking a Natural Approach to Healing
Dr. Massey joined us live to connect with listeners and answer your health questions. Todays topics included:
-Do-It-Yourself Blood Analysis
-What causes leaky gut and is it connected with rheumatoid arthritis?
-Keeping your child’s immune system strong
-The wonders of DMSO: Something you may just want to have on hand
-Joint pain?-Try eliminating sugar and flour from your diet
-Hydrogen Peroxide-Ideal for taking baths in it and other cool uses
-Whatever is going on with the skin usually reflects what’s going on in the gastrointestinal tract
-Auto-Immune thyroid conditions
-Adrenal support
and so much more!
September 19, 2011
Dr. Richard Massey is an M.D. who some years back turned to natural medicine and wow, he has come a long way. He seeks out the real Truth about what is going on here and consults with many cutting edge folks around the Country to get to the heart of the matter.
Here’s a great opportunity to call in live to totally holistic M. D. who will be pleased to assist you in any way possible to reach your health goals.
Dr. Massey is available for consultations world wide by calling him. 830.990.2924
ask dr massey, september 19, 2011, hour one
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