Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey, M.D.

Sharing Alternative and Natural Ideas

for Your Health Concerns

We were impressed with the amount of audience participation for Dr. Masseys show today. Our listeners sent in great questions and added some pretty good ideas to those of Doc Masseys also. That’s what makes our visits with him so interesting and entertaining. Some topics discussed:

-The Texas Medical Board has approved using adult stem cell therapy. Dr. Massey shares loads of information on this and gives some great resources. Check out and

-Amazing rejuvenation form fetal pig stem cells for general body rejuvenation

-How spirituality must be caught, not taught

-Addressing pain and approaching it from a non physical angle

-Sea salt? – Yes, no, maybe

-DHEA- When and why Dr. Massey takes it

-What could be causing ringing in the ears

-Dr. Massey tells of how most people have 7 different cancers in their lives- This is fascinating and makes sense

-Those little buggies in our bodies- Should we worry about them eating and pooping in us ? Maybe they eat infection

-What’s causing cracked lips and mouth soreness?

-Denny, a listener from Maine, recommends Solomans Seal for skeletal problems

-John from NY calls in to tell us about light therapy and recommends a book called Stop the Thyroid Madness

-Zeroing in on candida

-Psoriasis-Dr. Massey talks about a product called Skin Cap, discusses ultraviolet blood treatment and other good ideas for this chronic condition

Dr. Richard Massey is an M.D. who some years back turned to natural medicine and wow, he has come a long way. He seeks out the real Truth about what is going on here and consults with many cutting edge folks around the Country to get to the heart of the matter. Here’s a great opportunity to call in live to totally holistic M. D. who will be pleased to assist you in any way possible to reach your health goals.

Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at





ask dr massey, richard massey md, may 31, 2012, hour one

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