Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Show Highlights:

-Doc Massey tells us about the Kerrville Folk Festival

-Why do hormones drop during the summer and what can be done about it? The answer is salt…Doc Massey explains the need for it during hot months

-What does it mean when the metals show up as zero in your hair? Patricks lead analysis explained

-Fasting blood sugar. Why is Dennys running high?

-Pin pointing the emotional problem by doing the Byron Katie worksheet. What’s controlling our happiness?

-John, from NY, calls in to talk about the nutrient blocking effects of dairy and shares a website

-Reversing diabetes with nutrient dense food ala Dr. Joel Fuhrman for learning about family constellations and roots

-The testosterone/clarity connection

-Our connection with everyone

-Exactly what’s happening when doing a coffee enema. What is the liver and gall bladder doing? Does it create real healing effects

-Dying well-Knowing when it’s time and accepting it

and more!



Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at

Dr. Massey is now offering analysis of your blood regardless of where you live. It is a dried blood/matrix assessment. This provides and overview of health risk factors, such as heavy metals; hormone imbalances; free radical/antioxidant balance etc .Get more details by telephoning Dr. Massey or emailing him.


ask dr massey with richard massey, m.d., may 30, 2013, hour one

'Dr. Richard Massey MD – Creating Health By Becoming Part of a Village – May 30, 2013' has 1 comment

  1. May 31, 2013 @ 12:55 pm RadioGuGu

    ReddyWorks is really…wonder-full! Thank you!!!

    Dear Patrick, maybe we can have a chant, or a hue, with Jill Purce some day?!! Ancestors invited too!!!
    Hugs, :D

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