
Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Show Highlights:

-Intramax is a truly wonderful liquid vitamin source which is equivalent to chelation, but must be taken correctly. Dr. Massey tells us how to use it

-The female perspective of Creation

-Cancer as a wake up call

-Shifting our perception: In retraining the brain, we actually see changes in brain cells

-Personality determines personal reality

-Dr. Massey recommends the book Deep Truths by Gregg Braden

-Competition is not the nature of man

-A parasite cleansing protocol

-Minimizing inflammation from a wrist fracture

-Dealing with family pressure when making health choices

-Swelling and the lymphatic system

-What is spinal stenosis?

-Family based food allergies

-Fear is considered the underlying cause of tumors

-Some good advice on hemorrhoids

-A listener has been in bed with MS for 16 years. What more can be done?

-Reaction triggers

and so much more!


Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924

and also at

ask dr. massey, richard massey, m.d. march 28, 2013, hour one

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