Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey, MD
Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

-Dr. Massey recounts a conversation between one of his patients who has Stage 0 breast cancer and her oncologist. The options are shocking.

-Alcohol and heart rate variability

-How out unconscious runs the show when it comes to health

-What we learn from fear and resentment

-The power of language on our lives

-Foods for turning on the antioxidant enzyme system

-Ozone Therapy

-Dr. Massey tells how a man overcame chronic fatigue

-An emailer needs advice on lymphatic colitis

-The power of coffee enemas

-How to heal after having a root canal removed

-A ketogenic diet for cancer prevention

-Lowering blood pressure naturally

-The best time to take digestive enzymes

-The dangers of energy drinks

-Reversing EVERYTHING with high nutrient dense food

-Testosterone boosting and why testosterone may be low

Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at

Dr. Massey is now offering analysis of your blood regardless of where you live. It is a dried blood/matrix assessment. This provides and overview of health risk factors, such as heavy metals; hormone imbalances; free radical/antioxidant balance etc .Get more details by telephoning Dr. Massey or emailing him.

Click below to link to a video that shows you what you’ll be doing when he sends you the kit.




dr richard massey, december 20, 2012, hour one

'Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Ranked 37th Worldwide: What Are We Doing In American Healthcare? – December 20, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. December 21, 2012 @ 1:23 am Brendan

    Great show with the Doc like always. I’m glad you tuned in on the language thing – you had a guest previously who was talking about this too although I forget his name. He started out as an encyclopedia salesman or something. He was saying that we talk to ourselves as if the result had already occurred. It’s funny that you mention Twitchell saying this when you had a recent guest saying this, too! If this is not the case then we must be connoitering on some other plane. Heehee! Ho ho ho!

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