Patrick Timpone


Tony Pantalleresco

Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health

We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of videos on YouTube covering a huge variety of topics such as: Making all kinds of extracts, seed milks, nut milks, detox meals and smoothies, juices, chelators, anti-oxidant formulas. Getting rid of cold sores, dealing with skin issues and erectile dysfunction. Making meat safer to eat and making fortified butter/ghee. And the list goes on and on.

Show Highlights:

-The role of the FDA? Tony elaborates on this wacky agency which is supposed to be protecting the health of the American population

-The best way to honor veterans is to stop going to war. The military was created to protect our borders; how has this been forgotten?

-Tony shares a remedy for veterans to get their lung power back

-A recipe for pulling radioactive material out of the body

-Going beyond survival: We are more evolved to be content with just surviving. Tony explains with eloquence and shares information about how to thrive with the information he has gathered over the years.

-Tony talks about the imminent grid shutdown

-The super high powerantioxidant properties of Rosemary

-Making a salt pack: The healing power of salt

-The use of turpentine in history

-Shrinking lipomas

-Tony explains why serrapeptase is, by far, the miracle enzyme

-Foundational supplements for pregnancy

-The difference between glycerin and alcohol based tinctures

-Is using ozone for rope worms a good idea?

-Tony talks about how the medical world hasn’t cured anything since before 1930. Why?

-Altering DNA with the yucky ingredients found in vaccines

-Addressing Crohn’s Disease

-Increasing testosterone

-Leaving the preoccupation with LDL and HDL cholesterol levels behind

-Getting the fat back in the diet; everything went down hill with margarine

-The pros and cons of carrageenan

-Ideas for removing blackheads on the skin

-What can men do to offset the effects of estrogen?

and so much more!


Check out some of Tonys videos

Email Tony at

Visit Website

tony pantalleresco, healing ant home, november 11, 2013, hour one

'Tony Pantalleresco – Cutting Edge Remedies: Reversing Mutations and Getting Our Genetic Code Back to Normal – November 11, 2013' have 2 comments

  1. November 13, 2013 @ 10:03 am Donna NYC

    Great show! Thank you Patrick & Tony. You give us so many useful, natural tools to use to improve our health. I’m going to the farmer’s market now to get some fresh, organic rosemary!

  2. January 12, 2014 @ 4:13 am Donald Glenn Prohaska`

    Great show. Thanks for all the work doing it.

    Also I gave this web site URL to my son. He and friend tried to get to this URL using their phones. Both got different web sites every time they tried. Even when they changed servers.

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