Monthly Archives: April 2011

Color: Prism or Prison?

Atom’s Blog Sunlight can pass completely through a piece of ice without melting it — there’s no heat (or entropy)till sunlight’s wavelengths are STOPPED. A truly healthy person has no aura because all atomic elements are balanced in the body. In Swami Nitty-Gritty’s words, “Spectralization of the aura does not occur in a realized man.”…

The Unpredictable Egg

Atom’s Blog The timing of a woman’s menstrual cycle may be cultural rather than circadian. Folks in Western cultures tend to pay homage to the Moon, and use it astheir external timekeeper. Women in many cultures have everything from 2-week menstrual cycles to yearly ones. A common cycle in “primitive” cultures is once every 6…

Cortisol In Time

Atom’s Blog Cortisol builds lung surfactant out of lecithinto strengthen the lung at Lung Time (3:00-5:00 am). Lung surfactant keeps the airways DRY — exactly 12 hours away from our WET Lung Time (3:00-5:00 pm), otherwise known as Urinary Bladder Time. Without cortisol or lung surfactant, the lungs can’t inflate or deflate (unless you’re a…

Rockabye Thyroid

Atom’s Blog Re: I could not understand how to massage the thyroid gland back and forth. How do I put my fingers? Make the classic hitchhiking gesture, then gently hold the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple) between your thumb and index finger. Gently rock it side to side while blinking your eyes at a comfortable speed….

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