Alan Watt

Cutting Through the Matrix

Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development.

His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms.

Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the U.K. covertly into a European Amalgamation.

He has been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.

With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture.

Show Highlights:

-The Gulf War signaled the changes we are experiencing today

-Working through a script inter generationally; the spooky games played in the brave new world

-Standardizing world culture: Why the need for one currency and a one world government?

-Taking away freedom since 2001; Fabian Socialism

-Genetically altering the masses to serve the Elite

-What’s the upside of controlling people and dumbing them down like robots? Seems like a dull existence

-Altering the brain to be more efficient and more subservient

-How the internet is working to the advantage of the Elite

-Agenda 21; creating social disapproval amongst your neighbors; eliminating private property; using school for brainwashing

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'Alan Watt -Cutting Through the Matrix: Conditioning People Inter Generationally to Accept the Program – April 28, 2009' has no comments

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