Patrick Timpone

Alison Heath

EMF Summit

As a longevity rescuer, Alison Heath has been coaching and sharing her passion for optimal health and longevity for nearly 25 years. She wrote and published a regular column in MD NEWS called “The Natural Path” to introduce physicians to the current published research on the benefits of nutrient-dense foods on reclaiming health.

Publishing client success stories and years of research in the field of wellness and longevity prompted her to create numerous coaching programs including the Longevity Toolbox. In 2012 Alison launches her nonfiction book, Sane Off Meds – Curing the Incurable that chronicles her long-term recovery from bipolar disorder and hypothyroidism.

Show Highlights:

-Allison cured her self from “incurable” diseases after a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll

-Great leads on various EMF specialists in the show

-EMF sensitivity explained and the solutions

-Some corded phones are actually DECT phones and dangerous to us

-Some affects folks experience who live near cell phone towers

-Hear Allison’s experience with Blue Green Algae

and more!

Alison Heath

allison heath on emf’s and youthing, november 6, 2014

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