Amanda Love

The Barefoot Cook


Cooking for the Holidays


Here’s a fun, simple and concise primer on preparing and cooking turkey, gravy, dressing and cranberries.  Amanda has the magic touch for preparing  great food. 


We trust this will give you a few tips to help make these holiday goodies for fun, nutritious and tasty .

                      Bon Appetit !!


Amanda Love helps people heal their relationship with food, restore gut health, and balance hormones through her Functional Nutrition Therapy Practice and Real Food Cooking Lessons. She also supports couples in preparing their body and home for natural, radiant pregnancy and healthy babies.

Her customized healing programs get you back to the beautiful basics, integrating the nutritional wisdom of our ancestors with simple, nourishing food and a holistic, natural way of living. Her eating style and nutrition philosophy includes high-pleasure meals made with high-quality ingredients. And yes – that includes grass-fed beef, pastured eggs, and hand-churned butter.

Are you ready to enjoy a life-changing relationship with food, thriving health, and joyful baby making?  Come join Amanda and let her be your guide.

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You can reach Amanda via email now

Amanda Love on preparing and cooking the basic things for Thanksgiving and holiday fun, November 20, 20118

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