I am Soul.  I do not have a Soul, I am Soul. 

That is not a belief, I have knowledge of the above.  For that I am blessed, challenges in life continue to come, yet at a deep level, (Soul), I know nothing can harm me, ever. And that fact is very comforting. Heres an easy way for you to perhaps experience the beginnings of this Soul adventure.

Write down your dreams in the morning, or if you wake in the night.  Put a pad, pen and flashlight right there and immediately start joting down any and all things you remember.  Eventually, and rather quickly you will remember lots of experiences out of your body, while it sleeps.  The first step is to be aware that we are "dreaming" when we are dreaming.  As you remember that you are dreaming in a dream, focus on a solid object in the dream.  It can be anything, a picture on the wall, a tree…anything that strikes your fancy.  As you focus repeat strongly and often something like, "I am ending this dream experience now"  Keep repeating it until you begin to move into Soul Travel.

There is no real way to describe what you’ll experience for we are all different.  Last night I did the above Spiritual Exercise during a dream and, slowly everything around me started to fade and began hurtling outward, upward – (I’ll use words we are familiar with for description, but I am not sure if there is realy an out or up where I was).  

The sensation was exhilarating and fun, easy and I was completely free, no thoughts of anything or anyone in physical reality, just zooming, floating, free and absolutely no fear. I was way out in space seeing other heavly bodies. Things became more clear and I was above cities, land and terrain I’ve never seen before.  Different kinds of structures not on planet Earth.  I flew around at will, able to go anywhere just like we move our arm or leg….instantly without thought.  What fun!  sometimes I would be very low wanting to see the population and discern where I may be and often times flew right through buildings and saw the interior of structues.  It looked a lot like here yet different in strange ways, shapes, colors and lighting was unique to this place.

Eventually I began to slow down and settled in one large room where I began talking with some fellows and they immediately wanted to show me this gorgeous large flat panel type of screan with lots of colors and shapes etc.  It was a very sophisticated control board of some kind.

As it turns out it was a quite advanced system of broadcasting – anywhere, and I mean anywhere I wanted.As I recall all I need do was point to various controls and I could talk, play music, sounds, pieces of people saying things of interest.  It was as if I was being shown the coolest advanced radio studio able to broadcast anywhere in the universe and do anything I wanted and I just pointed, or not, if I wanted it to do its thing automatically.

Wow!  The radio studio of the future.

 If you would like to learn more about Soul Travel and easy techniques to learn and grow you may want to look at The Spiritual Path, Eckankar- The Religiion of The Light and Sound of God

Have fun. 


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