Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

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Andrew reminisces on his 911 experience just outside of New York City seventeen years ago

We analyze several audio clips of Bridgewater Capital’s Ray Dalio as He compares today with the era of The Great Depression

Our first caller wonders what the financial health of the U.S. would be if the gold was not recalled in 1933 and the Gold window was not closed in 1971…and we remained on The Gold Standard

CBO says budget deficit of fiscal 2018 which ends in two weeks will be a stout 1 Trillion Dollars.  That is 1,000 Billion Dollars

Our current yearly interest payment on the debt is around 400 Billion.

If the Treasury had not “borrowed” all the money out of the Social Security Trust Fund there would be about 2 Trillion in there today.

For the first time ever the unemployment rate of 3.9 % is lower than GDP of 4%

If Americans truly understood how many false flags have been involved in all the wars the U.S. has been involved in, there would be rioting in the streets

There’s a liquidity crisis World Wide because the FED is taking the punch bowl away of newly created money and World Wide debt in dollars is massive

Comparing the rising interest rates of the 70’s to today

Bayer’s stock has dripped from $120 per share to $72 in the past nine months over the legal troubles with Glyphosates

Bush ’43 said the total cost of overthrowing Saddam would be 50-60 Billion Dollars.  To date the U.S. ha spent about 3.7 Trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan

Chicago’s answer to many failing pension funds is to offer a guaranteed income for all

Some emails:

Ive been a listener since the KLBJ days, and my son and I look forward to your show every week. We appreciate the time you take to do this show

silver and gold question. The silver to gold ratio is higher than it has been for years, somewhere over 80 to one. Im a physical collector, numismatic as well as some bullion(and a client of yours, Andy).

Would it be a good tactic to sell a semi numismatic gold coin and flip it into silver ?
I would think that premiums would be an issue. Would it be better to flip it into junk silver? Or into morgans? or silver Numismatic?

Coin question! I know you like coin questions.

PIcked up a 1872 3cn silver coin Ms 66 I dont know the history on this one
could you elaborate? i paid $ 675 for it. It was a lot less than listed on NGC,
Are the prices on NGC accurate?

also , 1846 Trade dollar, MS 58 $1400 Fair price?


Question: I am interested in purchasing some gold coins with the intention of preserving wealth in something other than paper, and at the same time benefiting from rising gold prices in the future. Can Andy help me decide if bullion coins or semi-numismatics would best serve my purposes and why. Thanks.

How do active duty military or veterans respond when you talk about most wars being started via false flag attack??

Also what you tell people who are considering joining the military?


Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, September 12, 2018 ONE

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, September 12, 2018 TWO

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Understanding the Globalists Agenda is the Da Vinci Code to Predicting the Economic Future of U.S. -September 12, 2018' has no comments

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