Andrew Gause

The Real World of Money

Show Highlights:

-Bond for car insurance rather than real insurance – good idea?

-Limited liability in life

-The magic question to tell if you are in the Matrix: “Are you a U.S. Citizen?”

-Mr. Gause gives his analysis of Bernanke’s Senate testimony on Tuesday

-It is possible to opt out of Obamacare. Don’t try this at home.

-Buying coins from the U.S. Mint and operating heavy machinery

-Seigniorage – now that you know the meaning of the word you may ask: “Why would the U.S. Treasury give this profit to the private Federal Reserve Bank of New York?

-The Fed’s balance sheet – 4 Trillion Dollars

-MZM, hot money grows to 12 Trillion Dollars

-Detroit may file bankruptcy. Are they too big to fail?

-In reality there are no real cuts happening Friday and no real debt ceiling

-Debate in play. Mr. Gause says it is bread and circus

-CBO, historically their numbers are 50% short, predicts U.S. debt in 10 years at 25 Trillion

-The Environmental movement was taken over by the boys many years ago

-Time to buy mining shares?

and so much more!

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

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andy gause and the real world of money, february 27, 2013, hour one

'Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – We Choose to Be in the Game – When is it “Slavery” ? – February 27, 2013' has no comments

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