Andrew Gause

The Real World of Money


Andrew had two infected root canals pulled out yesterday and said he could feel an upliftment of energy the moment they came out.  And he was on top of his game today.

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

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Andrew is my all time entrepreneur hero so we started the show talking about some ins and outs and his advice on starting your own business and working for your self, and not someone else.

He talked about young Rockefeller’s father teaching him to book everything coming in and coming out, to the the penny in a notebook to learn about money

The Central Banks, since their inception believe they can manage “The Economy” and we continue to get booms and busts because of this unfounded belief.

How did the three biggest asset bubbles existing today become bubbles:  The Stock Market, Housing Prices and Bonds

Listen carefully and you will see clearly how it is amazingly clear to predict what is going to appear in many, many factors in our financial World.

People believe inflation is caused by rising prices when the truth of the matter is that inflation is caused by the creation of new money by the Central Banks and banks of the World.

Caller Don suggests small businesses will make a come back in the United States

Celeste suggests via email that the U.S. created a lot of the immigration flows from Central America by the U.S. meddling in their affairs under the guise of installing Democracy

The President is being called a Fascist in some circles while in reality the unholy alliance between major corporations and government has been going on for many years and Mr. Trump is the least fascist President in many a year. 

Robert asks about the ups and downs of selling an investment home now and Andy gives his opinion on this and offers various options

John in Indiana quotes David Stockman who contends the debt cycle is unsustainable.  Andy suggests, yes in a close monetary system with a limited amount of dollars, or dollars pegged to something tangible Stockman is right.  Mr. Gause argues, nothing is unsustainable with fiat currencies unless you run out of zeros

We look at the ever interesting Velocity of MZM…how fast money is moving and you can see here how the velocity has finally bottomed and flattening out.  People are beginning to spend money.  It has been dropping since 1981  Fed St. Louis Velocity of Money

Andy says “Build a Wall and have a gate in it to allow people to come in, in an orderly fashion with some requirements for entry”
The populist also called Nationalist movement is happening all over the World, not just in the U.S.

Other emails: Andy.
You said at the start of the show, it is a good time to start a business.
With inflation on the rise, and the need for me to borrow to start a business, how is this a good time to start a business?

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, June 20, 2018 ONE

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, June 20, 2018 TWO

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