~ Announcement ~

It is with a mixture of profound human sadness and deep spiritual gratitude that we announce to the world that Andreas Moritz has returned to the Realms of Light.

During his all-too-brief stay here on Earth, Andreas touched the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Through his teachings, his books, his art, his personal guidance and inspiration, he helped people throughout the world to restore their health and well-being, and, in so doing, transform their lives.

As his mission here on Earth was nearing completion, he worked passionately to write and complete four more books, and they will be released in the coming months.

As we each deal with this shock and our personal grief surrounding his transition, the greatest gift we can give to Andreas is to send Love and Gratitude to assist him as he continues his Mission from the higher dimensions.

At some point in the future we plan to co-create a global celebration of his life and many blessings to the world.

~ The Ener-Chi Family



'Announcement: Andreas Moritz Has Returned to the Realms of Light' have 4 comments

  1. October 23, 2012 @ 2:13 pm Tim Yoakum

    My condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed.


  2. October 24, 2012 @ 5:30 am Rob Fordham

    Andreas was a great man, who touched many people’s lives. He will be missed. Thoughts are with his family. x


  3. October 26, 2012 @ 3:18 pm Rosmary

    That’s a big shock! I cannot believe it! I am a huge fan of Andreas Moritz and learned a lot. He did so much for us and helped me to deal with Gallstones. His recommendation was to take EPSOM Salt to ease and shorten the pain. I am so so thankful for his help. God bless you Andreas Moritz!!


  4. November 5, 2012 @ 1:22 pm Thomas

    I’m sorry to hear that but I also truly hope that this makes people think twice about all these supposed know-it-all guys out there. Shouldn’t he have lived longer if he was doing it all so right? Of course I know nothing about the cause for his death which might make this comment totally bananas – we could all get run over by the train or something.



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