Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

We’re spiritual beings in a body.  Why are we here?  When do our souls arrive?

What is the right food for our species?  The sacrilege of saying vegetables aren’t good for you.

We’re here to find out how this all works.

Listener asks how to attract an intimate relationship into their life.

Be happy.  Follow the “Build it and they will come” model.  Make yourself as attractive as you can.

Patrick is feeling better on carnivore.  Digestion and colon calm and quiet now.  Eliminated leaky gut.   Minimal need for food preparation allows more time for productive pursuits.  Flexible eating times.  No concerns about pooping. 

Patrick has flipped his opinion on Konstantin Monastyrsky’s advice to avoid fiber when he was a ORN guest.  Author of Fiber Menace.

Nancy is trying to eat more carnivore but has cravings for sugar at night.  Try having some butter or blueberries.

Ray Peat says best pork is bacon.  Pork cheeks are good, also pig feet.  Fat doesn’t make you fat.

Does circumscision cause premature ejaculation?  Exercises to desensitivize.  Deer exercise.  Books by Stephen Chang, The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom, and The Complete System of Self Healing.  Book by Montak Chia, The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know.  Tap testicles.  Learn to injaculate.  Pine pollen.

Atom says the foreskin loss thing is nonsense. 

Is it more pleasurable to do a one-time ejaculation with a high pleasure level or to do multiple injaculations with each at a comparatively lower pleasure level?

What is the actual cause of warts? 

Bonded debt of the US is around 40 trillion dollars.  It must all be paid.

Germany seizes control of Russian-owned oil refineries.

US running into the ground from sending support to Ukraine.

NASA as a money-laundering operation.  Where is the evidence for a global spinning earth?

Patrick One

Patrick two

'Patrick Timpone | Attracting Intimacy, Carnivore Diet, Cause of Warts, Sexual Secrets & More | September 16, 2022' has no comments

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